If your local nursery doesn’t carry finger lime trees, they will most likely be happy to order one for you. All you have to do is ask! If you cannot obtain a finger lime tree locally, you can order one from an online nursery.

Soil with a pH of 5-7 is recommended for finger limes. When you buy soil, the bag will indicate what the pH level is. If you are uncertain, ask someone at your local nursery for advice. [5] X Research source

If you do opt to plant seeds, make sure to use fresh ones. Even with fresh seeds, the finger lime tree is slow to grow and seedlings have a low success rate. [7] X Research source Plant seeds in a cell tray with drains about 2 inches (51 mm) deep in the soil. Use your finger to make the hole, then drop a seed into it. Cover it back up with soil. Keep in bright sun (or under a sun lamp) and water every 3-4 days, keeping the soil moist. Once seeds start to sprout, you can replant them in individual pots. Continue moving the seedlings to larger and larger pots as they grow. [8] X Research source

Dig a hole in the ground deep enough for the roots of the tree. Place the tree in the hole and fill in the remaining area with additional soil. You want the tree to be able to stand on its own. [10] X Research source The finger lime tree makes a good hedge and the leaves will grow flat against a wall or lattice. [11] X Research source Avoid windy locations when planting your tree. The tree has sharp thorns which easily puncture the skin of the finger lime. This is a cosmetic concern, as the fruit should still be usable; it will just be bruised and may leak juice, which can attract pests. [12] X Research source

Use a 5 US gal (19 L) pot for your finger lime tree. This will give it room to expand and grow roots as the years pass. Make sure there is a hole in the bottom for drainage. [14] X Research source Fill your pot with soil and then push the dirt in the middle to the sides to bury the roots of your tree. Add more soil around the base of your plant until the pot is full. The soil should fill the pot but should not be packed down. The tree should be able to stand firmly on its own without support. If it doesn’t, you haven’t planted it deep enough. [15] X Research source

In the winter, you can water less often as the climate won’t be soaking up as much moisture from the soil.

Avoid putting fertilizer right up against the trunk of the tree, as this can cause collar rot. [18] X Research source A quarter of the amount of fertilizer you would normally use for a citrus plant will be sufficient for the finger lime tree. Spread fertilizer around the base of your tree, covering the soil about 1 inch (25 mm) thick. [19] X Research source

Use just enough conditioner to lightly cover the surface of the soil surrounding the tree. The original soil should still be visible through the conditioner. Water the tree after applying the conditioner.

Consider moving your tree if it keeps developing spots. The fungus can travel from one plant to another through water or rainfall, and relocating the plant may reduce its exposure to other plants with the fungus. [22] X Research source Burn the infected foliage rather than putting it into a compost bin. They will infect the rest of the compost.

When purchasing a chemical pesticide, try to find an eco-friendly one. The finger lime tree has delicate, thin branches and is easily killed by harsh chemicals. [24] X Research source

You will notice small white or pale pink flowers in later summer and autumn. These will turn into your finger limes. Don’t pick them, or you will kill off the future fruit. [26] X Research source Ripe fruits won’t fall off the tree, so you will need to pull them off the branches. [27] X Research source The ripe fruits will range anywhere from 1–5 inches (25–127 mm) long. Size doesn’t necessarily indicate ripeness, so if your fruits aren’t growing very long, don’t worry!

Use clean pruning shears and wear gloves to protect your hands from thorns. Cut back excess branches to where they start on the trunk. [29] X Research source Cut each remaining shoot of the tree back to less than half its length. Make the cut just above a leaf. This will keep the tree from getting unwieldy. [30] X Research source