If you live in an area that is really hot a lot of the year, try to find a spot that gets afternoon shade and has relatively moist soil.

Avoid placing a saucer under your plant’s pot unless the saucer has pebbles in it.

If you choose to grow your geraniums from seeds, sow them directly into the ground. If you do choose to use seeds, know that your plants will take longer to grow and blossom. If you are sowing seeds in a pot, start your pot off indoors while the seeds take root. Once the seeds begin to sprout, you can move the pot outside. If you need to move the plants outside during harsher weather, then start by leaving them outside during the day when it is warmer and bringing them in at night. This is called “hardening off. ”

Try to avoid putting soil on the stem of the plant, as a buried stem could lead to a rotting plant.

For geraniums in pots, make sure that you give them enough water. Water the plants until the water runs out the bottom (hence why you need holes in the bottom of your pot. )