Common kiwi – This is the type of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa) typically found in grocery stores. It is a brown, fuzzy fruit with a thick skin and green pulp. For optimal growth, it requires about a month of cool weather with temperatures ranging from 30 to 45 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 to 7ºC). Common Kiwi can be grown in USDA hardiness zones 7-9. Golden kiwi – Another popular type of kiwi, the golden kiwi (Actinidia chinensis) is sweeter but more delicate compared to the common kiwi. It is closely related to common kiwifruit but is less fuzzy and more yellow. This fruit grows best in zones that experience winter lows ranging from 10 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-12 to -1ºC). Kiwi berry – This name usually refers to two different kiwi species, the hardy kiwi (Actinidia arguta) and the super-hardy kiwi (Actinidia kolomikta). These kiwifruits are much smaller compared to common and golden kiwis and have a thinner, smooth skin. As their names suggest, this type of kiwi is the most cold-tolerant and can be grown in areas that experience harsh winters. [3] X Trustworthy Source University of Vermont Department of Plant and Soil Science Plant and Soil Department at University of Vermont’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Go to source These varieties are sometimes able to produce fruit after just one growing season, in contrast to most others that take years to mature. [4] X Research source

To remove seeds from a fresh kiwifruit, simply slice the fruit in half and scoop a them out with your fingers or a spoon. Place the seeds in a small bowl or cup and rinse them to remove the fruit. To rinse, swish water around in the bowl and strain it back out a few times. [5] X Research source Keep in mind that most kiwi growers favor purchasing young plants created through propagation from nurseries rather than sprouting them from seeds. This is partly because propagated cultivars possess traits that are much more consistent over generations. Additionally, most varieties of kiwifruit are delicious, meaning that both a male and a female plant are required for fruiting to occur. Since the only way to tell the difference between the two is through their flowers and flowering usually takes three or more years to start happening, it’s difficult to accurately space seedlings for optimal pollination and fruit production.

Young plants are especially sensitive to winter chills, so many growers keep their kiwi plants indoors for the first two years or so. [8] X Research source Remember to transfer your plants to new, larger pots as they begin to outgrow their smaller ones. At this stage, begin boosting their nutrition using a generic starter fertilizer. [9] X Research source

You will need adequate space for your kiwifruit plants to grow. Most kiwifruit plants grow best in either full sun or light shade. [10] X Research source Kiwifruit generally need slightly acidic soil that has a pH between 6. 0 and 6. 5. If your soil is too alkaline, you can try to acidify it to make conditions right for growing kiwifruit. The soil must be moist but well-drained.

Kiwifruit vines can grow on most types of trellises, gazebos, and fences. Commercial kiwifruit growers use six-foot-high wire trellises with T-bars spaced 15 to 20 feet apart. [12] X Research source

Try to disturb the roots as little as possible to avoid shock. [13] X Research source If you plant to grow fruit, keep as many plants as you have room for. Once they flower, which can take up to five years, you can identify the male and female plants and cull the extras.

The leaves of kiwifruit plants can sometimes attract deer. Keep your young plants safe by keeping deer out of your yard with either a fence around it or chicken wire surrounding your plants. Cats respond to kiwi leaves similarly to catnip. If you’ve ever tried to grow catnip, you probably know that neighborhood cats can easily destroy your plants. If there are outdoor cats in your area, take measures to keep them out of your garden. Example strategies include building a fence, putting chicken wire around each of your plants, and spraying with repellents. Unlike many other commercial fruit-bearing plants, kiwifruit do not have many insect enemies, so regular pesticide use is usually unnecessary. [14] X Research source

The optimal time for pruning female plants is late winter while the plant is dormant. Male plants can be pruned sooner, right after flowering. [16] X Research source

Kiwifruit usually ripens in September and October. If frosts typically happen by then in your area, you will need to harvest the fruit before it’s ripe and let it finish ripening under refrigeration. [19] X Research source Snap kiwifruit off at the stalk when their skin begins to change color (to brown for common kiwifruit). Another way to check for harvest-readiness is to look for black seeds in a sample fruit. [20] X Research source