To improve soil’s drainage, you can mix in a little silica sand before planting. Silica sand offers many benefits: it drains well, does not cement, and is very reflective, which helps reflect sunlight onto the plant. This is especially helpful in colder and wetter climates. [3] X Research source Alternatively, try planting your lavender on a raised bed, at the top of a slope or beside a wall to maximize drainage. [4] X Research source If growing in a pot, consider setting the pot upon a bed of stones or gravel to optimize drainage

If necessary, you can increase the alkalinity of your soil by adding a little lime. The amount you add will depend on your type of soil and the test recommendations.

Munstead and Hidcote Lavender are two especially hardy varieties. While it is possible to grow lavender from seeds, this is not recommended as the seeds require scarification and chilling and can take nearly a month to germinate.

If you’re planting the lavender in a pot or container, choose a very large pot — the root system for lavender is much larger than the actual plant. [9] X Research source

The stone will help with drainage, the lime will alkalize the soil, while the bone meal and fertilizer will help to get your lavender plant off to a good start. [11] X Research source

If you’re planting more than one lavender plant, leave about 36 inches (91. 4 cm) between each plant. This will guarantee good air circulation and allow the lavender space to grow. [16] X Research source

An ideal time to fertilize your newly planted lavender is after the first watering. Allow the soil to dry, then apply the fertilizer.

To achieve the proper level of watering, make sure that the soil dries between each watering; however the plant itself should not be allowed to become dehydrated. [19] X Research source If you are growing lavender in a Northern climate, you will water the plant very sparingly until the summer when temperatures can skyrocket and dry out the soil. You will then want to begin watering the plant every 7 to 10 days. If you’re growing lavender in a pot, make sure the pot has excellent drainage to prevent water from pooling at the bottom.

Do not use wood mulch, which will retain moisture and can lead to root rot.

New growth looks like long, thin legs sprouting from the leafing branches. The plant will also begin to form blooms. This is also a good time to fertilize the plant. Pruning your lavender will encourage new growth and stop the plant from breaking open and sprawling. Just make sure not to over-prune your lavender as this may kill new growth altogether.

Aphids can spread a virus known as the Alfalfa mosaic virus which affects growth and blooming of the plant. Remove any affected foliage and burn it. Be sure to sterilize all gardening tools with disinfectant, chlorine bleach, or isopropyl alcohol to stop the spread of the virus, too. [22] X Research source

If all or most of the blooms have opened on the lavender plant, then it is too late to harvest for herbal purposes. If you plan to dry the lavender, harvest when about 3/4 of the blooms have opened. If you want to decorate your house with lavender, place the flowers in a vase, but do not put the roots in water. This just causes the flowers to fall off faster and makes the stems mushy. [25] X Research source

If you wish to remove the dried lavender from the woody stems, you can roll the bundle on a metal screen placed over a bucket. This is called “garbling” the lavender.