If you live in Canada (or elsewhere outside of the USA), it may be a little more difficult to acquire the spawn. Check European online sources like http://www. mycelia. be/en. [1] X Research source Regardless of where you live, check with your local plant nursery. Nurseries may stock mushroom spawn. If not, the nursery may be able to recommend another retailer that does.

You can throw the carton tops away.

Make sure that your pencil is sharp before you begin poking the holes.

You can use any type of regular coffee grounds that you’ve produced through making coffee. Just save them up for a few days until you’ve produced the 2 cups (170 g). If they start growing their own fungi, do not use them as their fungi will compete with your mushrooms. You can get sawdust from any nearby hardware store. Since 8 cups (680 g) is a relatively small amount, they may give you the sawdust for free. You can also use hay that has been pasteurized in boiling water for 35 to 45 minutes. Just mix the hay and mushroom spawn together in a plastic bag that has holes poked in it.

If you accidentally add too much water and the mixture becomes soupy, just pour some water back out. Don’t add water if you’re using hay.

If you skip this step and do not microwave the sawdust and coffee ground, bacteria may kill the mushroom spawn before they have a chance to grow. Don’t microwave the mixture if you’re using hay.

If you’re in a hurry, try putting the bowl in your fridge for 30 minutes.

Oyster mushrooms need a very moist environment to grow in.

Unlike flower seeds—which typically should only be about 1⁄2 inch (1. 3 cm) under the soil—mushroom spawn need to be completely buried in order to grow well.

Oyster mushrooms can grow well through packed soil.

Some sunlight in the room is fine, since the mushrooms would occasionally have direct sunlight if they were growing in nature. Do not disturb the mushrooms while they’re growing. You’re welcome to check in on them and watch as they grow from day to day, though. If you’re using hay as the growing medium, place it in a warm—but not hot—place that is out of direct light.

It’ll take the oyster mushrooms 2 to 3 months to grow. No regular maintenance is required, aside from making sure that the soil is damp. If using hay, mist the bag once or twice daily when you start to see white mushroom growth in the hay.

You can also tell that the mushrooms are mature if the edges of the caps have just begun to develop a slight frill. [14] X Research source

The stems can be disposed of or composted.

Or, if you prefer, grill the large mushrooms whole and eat them on their own.