If you live in a tropical climate, you may be able to cultivate vanilla outside. Check the temperature and humidity of your environment to determine if the conditions are suitable for a vanilla orchid.

Cuttings are usually taken from mature plants that are 20 feet (6. 1 m) or more in length. Be sure to ask the supplier which end of the cutting is the top and which is the bottom if you are unsure. The top is the direction in which the plant has been growing. The leaves will point down toward the bottom of the cutting.

All of these materials are available at garden shops and home improvement stores.

You can purchase ties or clips online or at a gardening store.

During this time, water and fertilize the vanilla orchid as before.

Sap from orchid roots and flowers can irritate the skin. Wear gloves and be cautious when replanting or pollinating the plant. [17] X Research source Consider asking a local orchid grower to help you hand-pollinate the first few times as it is a very delicate process.

The beans will sweat out moisture due to the heat, helping them to dry out.