Follow any specific set up instructions that come with the model you buy. There should be information in the packaging or on the box.

Keep your vegetable plants no more than 10 to 12 inches (25. 4 to 30. 5 cm) away from the grow lights.

Turn the lights off for 6 to 10 hours every day. Vegetable plants do need a period of darkness to mature and trigger production.

Consider full-spectrum fluorescent bulbs. These bulbs will provide warm and cool (red and blue) light which mimics natural solar light. These lights are great to get seedlings started and will provide intense, direct light for your vegetable plants. Use high-intensity discharge lamps for energy efficiency and extra intensity. These grow lights are used by commercial growers and emit twice the amount of light for the same amount of energy. They are also more expensive.

Wipe off any dust or dirt that accumulates. Dirty bulbs do not give off as much light as they should. Replace fluorescent bulbs that begin to darken on the ends. This means the bulb is aging and not producing as much light as it should.

Wait until you have some foliage or flowering on your plants if you began growing them from seeds with grow lights.