You can harvest and eat your onions at any phase of their growth, but they’ll be larger if you wait until the end of summer when they’re fully mature.

When an onion plant grows flowers, it’s a sign that the onion has stopped growing and the plant is now focusing its energy on the flowers. The growth of flowers on the top of an onion is known as “bolting” and is often seen as undesirable to onion growers. [3] X Research source You do not have to go through the curing process for onions that have grown flowers.

Do not cut the onion with the spade because it will cause the onion to rot prematurely.

Handle onions carefully so that you don’t bruise them. Bruising will cause rot.

Moisture from the rain will cause the onions to rot. If it’s rainy outside, place your onions under an awning or inside a shed while they cure. This will keep them from spoiling.

Over this time, the onions will dry out more. Lay newspaper on the ground if you don’t want to place your onions directly on the ground.

Do not store onions next to fruits like apples or pears because they may ruin the taste of the fruit. Pungent onions store for a longer time than sweet onions, so eat sweet onions first. Onions will stay fresh in the refrigerator for 1-2 months. [12] X Research source