While it’s possible to continue to serve God if you’re dating a nonbeliever, it will be difficult to truly make God the center of your relationship.

For instance, you might compare your values, your methods of worship, and your long-term goals to ensure you’re compatible.

For instance, you might agree that until you’re married, you’ll only kiss on the cheek. Try to avoid innocent-seeming activities that might tempt you to have impure thoughts, like sitting on each other’s laps or giving each other massages.

The passage says: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. ” Even if your faith follows a different holy text, you can still use this beautiful verse as a reminder of how to treat your partner.

Remember, if you and your partner get married, you’ll have to take on difficult situations together throughout your life. If you have a hard time working together when you’re dating, you may have a hard time being on the same page later on, as well.

For instance, you might choose not to attend a party if you suspect there will be drinking and drugs, or you might avoid going to clubs where people tend to dance suggestively. You might suggest another fun activity instead, like going to a baseball game or having a picnic. You may also want to avoid watching movies or TV shows that contain graphic sex, violence, or language. Instead, look for wholesome media that will enrich or educate you.

You might choose to have a weekly group worship, do team-based service missions, or just hang out and do casual things like grilling, going out to eat, or playing sports. It can also help you strengthen your relationship if you find mentors within your church. For instance, you might sit down with a couple who’s been married for several years to ask them about some of the challenges they dealt with when they were dating. [10] X Research source

Try setting aside a little time every morning for a devotional. By starting your day out with God as the focus, it will be easier to keep Him in mind all day.

You can also attend other church events together, like dinners, informal prayer groups, or service-based activities. Take turns attending each other’s churches if you’re both part of different faith communities. [13] X Expert Source Josh Spurlock, MA, LPC, CSTLicensed Professional Counselor Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.

Try reading a daily devotional together, or take turns choosing passages that are meaningful to you. You could also join a Bible study together. [16] X Expert Source Josh Spurlock, MA, LPC, CSTLicensed Professional Counselor Expert Interview. 13 January 2022.

Pray together whenever you get the chance, such as before meals, at the end of the day, or when you’re on the phone. Remember to pray for your partner in your personal prayers, as well.

For instance, if you’re dating someone who sings beautifully, you might encourage them to join the choir, then attend any performances put on by their singing group. You can also look for opportunities to serve together, like going on mission trips, cooking meals for families in need, or teaching a class together.