If your webcam or microphone doesn’t work well, you may need to buy an external webcam or microphone so you look and sound good on your interview. If your internet won’t support a video call, find a location where you can make your call. For instance, you might be able to go to a family member’s home. Your interviewer will likely tell you if you’re going to be using Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout, or another video call software in advance of your interview. If it’s a platform that you have used before, do a practice call with it before your interview so you’ll be prepared.

If you’re using a window for light, it’ll work best if you sit next to the window, not in front of or behind it. Check where the light from the window falls during the time of day when your interview is scheduled. At certain times of day, the light might wash you out or cast shadows.

For instance, you might film your interview from your kitchen table with nothing in the background. If you have children or pets, consider asking someone to play with them in another room during your interview so you’re less likely to be interrupted.

For instance, you might write, “Ask what a typical day will look like,” or “Tell them about my performance award. ”

For instance, you might wear a button-up shirt with a blazer and slacks, a dress, or a blouse and skirt.

Pay attention to what the interviewer is saying, however. Don’t smile if they bring up something sad or concerning.

Check how you look on video before the interview to put your mind at ease. If the app you’re using has a preview function, log in a few minutes before the scheduled meeting so you can make sure you like how you look in the preview before you go live in the meeting. If the app doesn’t have a preview function, try making a quick test call before your interview.

Don’t wear a bunch of cologne or perfume to your interview. Some people are sensitive to smells, so the scent might detract from what you’re saying. If you know the company culture includes more casual dress, it’s okay to choose an outfit that fits with the typical workplace attire.

If you’re in a unique situation where you can’t turn off your phone, discuss this with your interviewer ahead of time. For instance, if you were an on-call nurse who’s interviewing for a job as a college professor, you might need to take a call from the hospital. In this unique case, your interviewer might understand.

Don’t arrive more than 15 minutes early because it may confuse or inconvenience your interviewer. If you arrive to the location really early, go for a short walk or review your interview materials while you wait outside.

If eye contact is hard for you, practice by making eye contact with yourself in a mirror or practice with a relative or friend.

If your palm is sweaty, discreetly wipe your hand off on your clothes or a tissue before you go in for the handshake.

For instance, tell the interviewer that you’re excited to take on new job tasks. Say, “I’m really excited about the opportunities for growth here. This project sounds really exciting. " When talking about a conflict with a past coworker, say, “Communication with my team leader at my prior job was difficult at first, but our relationship taught me new ways to communicate. Because we compromised, we were able to complete our project ahead of schedule. "

As an example, let’s say they ask, “Why do you want to work for this company?” You might say something like, “I love that this company is focused on innovation instead of maintaining the status quo. In my career, I’ve developed systems that explore new concepts, and I want to pursue that further. ” If you’re applying for a position where you’ll be working remotely, you might focus on times you’ve worked remotely in the past. Even if you haven’t done it often, you might describe specific projects where you worked with people who weren’t in the same location as you were or times in school when you did group work remotely. Your answers to each question should focus on how your knowledge, skills, and background fit this position and this company. If you previously haven’t used those skills in a different job, explain how you’ll grow into your role and what you’ve been doing to prepare for it.

For example, let’s say your interviewer has asked, “What is a time that you made a mistake in the past? What happened?” You might reply, “At my previous job, I saved an important client presentation to a USB drive that I accidentally broke on the way to the client meeting. I knew my company needed to impress the client, so I had to recreate the presentation from scratch. I made myself a couple of notecards and delivered the presentation from memory. To make up for the lack of visuals, I incorporated audience participation. The representatives had so much fun in the presentation that they invited me to lunch and signed a contract that same day. ” If you have difficulty with these kinds of questions, prepare several STAR (situation, task, action, result) stories that will help sell you as the person for the job.

For instance, let’s say your boss yelled a lot and degraded you. Instead of talking about how bad of a boss they were, you might say, “We didn’t always see eye-to-eye, but my former boss and I talked every day. ”

It’s okay if you tell a story that’s slightly humorous. However, don’t try to make something funny if it’s not. Never tell jokes about your profession or the interviewer’s job. They might not appreciate your sense of humor.

As an example, don’t try to turn your weakness into a strength by saying, “My biggest weakness is that I’m too dedicated to my job. " The interviewer will only think that you’re not being honest about your actual weaknesses. You might say, “I sometimes get flustered when I’m speaking to large groups. While people don’t seem to notice, I think my job performance will be better if I improve my public speaking skills. I’ve recently joined Toastmasters and I’m already feeling more confident. ”

You might ask, “What does the timeline look like for the upcoming project?,” “Will the selected candidate be able to suggest new opportunities for growing sales?,” “How are remote hours tracked?,” or “How will I keep in touch with my supervisor and coworkers remotely?”

Say, “Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with me. I really appreciate the information you provided about this great opportunity. ”

You might say, “I know this job is a perfect fit for my skills, and I hope I get the chance to help your company reach its goals. ”

Write, “Dear Mr. Jones, Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I’m even more excited about this opportunity. I’d really like the opportunity to talk to you more about what I can do for your company. Thanks, Amy Lincoln. ”

Pay attention to the company’s mission statement, their current goals or projects, and their future plans. Look for materials that were provided to employees, shareholders, or potential investors.

For example, if you both studied the same major in college, you might be able to bring that up in your interview. If they don’t have a LinkedIn account, see if you can find them on other social media sites. However, don’t stalk your interviewer and be careful with information that isn’t related to work. Your interviewer won’t be impressed by your knowledge about their family life.

For instance, let’s say the job description includes “self-starter,” “able to create innovative solutions,” and “team mindset. ” You might identify instances where you’ve worked alone and met deadlines, examples of creative solutions you’ve implemented, and stories about your successes on team projects.

What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Why do you want to work for this company? Where do you see yourself in 5 years? What about 10 years? Why are you leaving your current company? What do you think you offer that no one else will? When did you make a mistake in the past? What happened? What is an accomplishment that makes you proud?

Ask the mock interviewer to bring you into the interview space and sit you down. Then, answer their questions just like you would in a normal interview. If you can’t get someone to interview you, film yourself answering the questions aloud. Then, watch the video to see how you can improve.

For instance, you could ask questions like, “Are there opportunities for growth here?” “How big is the team?” or “What resources are available for the project?” Ask about the biggest projects you’ll be working on. This shows your employer that you’ve closely read the job description and are anticipating taking on the role. It’s okay to ask questions that come to you during the interview. Your list of questions should be a fall-back.

For example, you might explain how you handled someone stealing credit for your work at a past job or how you got the best out of a team that wasn’t collaborating well. Similarly, you might highlight your accomplishments by telling a story about how you obtained your most lucrative client or how you solved a problem that could have been a major liability for your company.

For instance, you might bring a portfolio if you’re interviewing for a design job. However, you probably won’t need one if you’re interviewing to be a nurse or a barista.

It’s likely that you’ll interview with a panel or several different people. Assume that you’re going to be talking to several people from different departments. Get someone you trust to ask you a bunch of random questions so you can practice answering.