Make sure you have lots of food on hand. Snacks make a binge watching weekend more fun. Make sure to take breaks now and then to stretch or take a walk outside. Amuse yourselves watching a bad movie, especially a cult classic. You can also do this with a poorly written book. Take turns reading it out loud and see how far each person gets before they are laughing too hard to keep reading. You can even turn it into a game (a drinking game for those over the legal drinking age, or using chocolate/candy as prizes otherwise). Everyone will thank you.

Try to find things from that time. Look for old notes you passed back and forth or a journal you wrote together. Maybe you made dolls, or played football together. The objects will help you recall more of the times you spent together.

Card games are good because most people have cards and there are a lot of simple games. The game Spoons is a really good with a group, while something like Speed is better with just a few people. If you’re playing Poker, use little pieces of chocolate or candy as money. That way it’s just about fun instead of money. Some options for board games include Settlers of Catan, Scrabble, Bananagrams, and Clue. Clue is, especially, is an easy game to learn and fun because you get to accuse your friends of murder. Multi-player video games are great to play with your friends too. Have a Super Mario party or compete in the latest multiplayer racing game.

Have a dance party. Put your iPod on shuffle and turn the lights down and dance away. You can check out dance moves on your favorite music video and have a laugh copying them. [2] X Research source You can dress super fancy and learn some ballroom steps. Plan a theme party. This can be anything from a 1920s murder mystery to an Ascot tea party. This all depends on your ingenuity and that of your friends. Consider what your group is interested in and go for it. Have a baking or cooking party. Pick out some recipes to cook together, shop for the groceries together, and use teamwork to prepare them. You can laugh at your failures and delight in your successes.

If you’re going out, make sure it’s a place both you and your friends enjoy and that everyone can afford it. Having the meal at your house can save money and can be great fun. Invite your friends over and have a glass of wine while you’re cooking or, enjoy a virtual meal together over video chat. [4] X Trustworthy Source HelpGuide Nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free, evidence-based mental health and wellness resources. Go to source You can also pack your lunch and eat it somewhere outside, like a local park.

Pick a time every week, or every month to meet. Try having everyone who can make it meet every first Friday of the month, for example and catch up on everything that’s happening in your lives. Having it specifically scheduled means more of your friends will be able to make it.

You can organize a touch football game, or play basketball. You might even meet more friends that way if people ask to join you. Going for a run with a friend around the park can be a good way to have fun with friends when you’re super busy. It’s already on your schedule and even running is more fun with a good friend at your side. If you have kids, getting together with friends to take them to the park can make the whole experience more fun for everyone. Bring some food and turn it into a picnic. You can catch up with your friends while your kids play.

Check to see if outside food is permitted at the event. Sometimes you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks to outdoor concerts and plays. Bring blankets or folding chairs if they are permitted.

If you decide to go camping with your friends, just make sure that everyone brings their own supplies. You can also go on a hike with your friends and explore the different hiking trails in your area.

Volunteer a few hours a week at the local humane society. You can play with the animals and help out. Sign up to be a Big Brother or Big Sister with your friends and do things with your Little Brother or Sister with your friends and their Littles. Take a few shifts at your local soup kitchen or food bank with your buddies. If you can, try to donate food, as well<[6] X Research source .