If your cousin is staying at your house, make sure you have everything ready. Things like towels and toiletries are easy to forget. Set aside some space like an extra closet or drawer for them to keep their things. [1] X Research source You should also make sure your cousin’s electronic needs are met. Know what kind of phones and computers your cousin uses. Find some extra chargers lying around to properly accommodate him or her. [2] X Research source Create a homey vibe. Provide fresh sheets, pillows, and blankets for the guest room or sofa. Add something a little extra, like a fresh bouquet of flowers or a card welcoming your cousin to your home. [3] X Research source Stock up on extra food. You may be eating out a lot, however, you should have options for meals at home as well. Healthy breakfast food, like yogurt, fruit, and cereal, is important. Have some snacks, like chips and crackers, as well as some basic staples in case you decide to cook at home one night.

Make sure to accommodate everyone’s eating habits. Ask your cousin if he or she has any special dietary restrictions. Your cousin may be allergic to shellfish, for example, or vegetarian/vegan. Find restaurants that meet these needs. Go for establishments within your budget. If your cousin is visiting from college, for example, he or she may not want to drop a lot of money at a 5-star restaurant. You can search restaurants by price-range on websites such as Yelp. Ask friends and co-workers for suggestions as well. If you have a Facebook page, consider posting a status saying your cousin is in town or taking a week off. Ask people for suggestions of good restaurants and specifics on what you’re looking for (e. g. , something cheap, something with vegan options, etc. ).

First, ask your cousin for his or her travel itinerary. You want to know when you need to pick him or her up from the airport or bus station. Jot these things down on the checklist so you remember. [4] X Research source You should also list anything you need to do on your end. You may want to give your apartment a good cleaning. You might have to get the air mattress out of storage or change the sheets in the guest bedroom. If your cousin has any special accommodations, make sure you keep those in mind. For example, if your cousin is bringing her dog along for the trip, consider stocking up on dog treats. [5] X Research source If you haven’t seen your cousin in awhile, it may be nice to buy him or her a small present. You don’t have to go overboard, but a nice card and a small gift, like a box of chocolates, could be a nice touch.

Ask your cousin to give you a call or shoot you an e-mail and tell you some things he or she is interested in doing. If you know your cousin, you may already know some of his or her interests. However, it is not a bad idea to let your cousin have some direct input. If you live in a big city, there is a good chance your cousin already has some plans. It’s a good idea to know what these plans are ahead of time so you can find the best ways to carry them out. For example, say you live in Los Angeles and your cousin wants to go to Venice Beach. You can see which days Venice is the least crowded to avoid traffic and difficulty parking. Keep your cousin’s personal interests in mind. If your cousin is a passionate animal lover, for example, do some research on local zoos.

A very young child may need a nightlight or other comforting objects to help him or her sleep. You may want to provide some age appropriate toys. You can stop by a local supermarket and browse the toy section. Toys are usually labeled by age group. You may want to plan events appropriate for someone younger. Look into local parks, children’s museums, and so on. If you work or go to school, a younger relative may require supervision when you’re gone. Make a plan for a babysitter. If your cousin is in high school or middle school, things may be a little easier. Children of this age are usually more independent. You may be able to leave your cousin home alone. However, make sure you plan events accordingly. For example, you obviously cannot take someone this young to an establishment that serves alcohol. You may want to look into fun, cool events targeted at teens. Maybe a local community center has a music night for teenagers.

If you live in a big city, like New York City, Central Park can be a great place to take an out-of-town visitor. If the weather’s nice, you can have a lot of fun simply walking through the park and seeing the famous landmarks and statues. Some parks have street performers. If you live in an area where street performers are common, this is something your cousin may enjoy. [7] X Research source If you have a younger cousin, a park or a playground can be wildly entertaining for him or her. On your end, you can look up some games to play with children. For example, playing tag in Central Park for an afternoon can be a fun activity for when your 10 year-old cousin visits New York City.

Remember, everyone’s tastes are different. Try to cater to your cousin’s personal interests. If you live in Chicago and your cousin is an art lover, she’ll really enjoy the Art Institute. However, if she’s more into culture and history, consider taking her to the Field Museum instead. Look for deals on museums if you’re on a budget. If you’re a member at a particular museum, you may be able to get a guest in for free. Websites like Groupon often offer discount tickets for local museums.

If you’re on a budget, check out the local music scene. Many bars have local bands play for very cheap. There may only be a $5-$10 cover, for example. [8] X Research source If you live near a college, you may be able to find tickets for a college production for cheap. If you live in a bigger city, you can often find discount tickets sold the day of a performance. Once again, keep your cousin’s tastes in mind. If your cousin is a fan of punk rock music, he or she probably won’t enjoy a country music show. If your cousin is not a fan of serious movies and TV shows, the local production of August Osage County may not interest him or her.

Be open to trying new foods, especially if your cousin has adventurous tastes. Together, you guys can try a type of food you’ve never before eaten. Make reservations when it’s necessary. If you’re both hungry, waiting for a table on a Friday night can get tiring. If you’re eating out on the weekend, reservations may be a good idea. Try to find restaurants that offer other forms of entertainment as well. For example, a bar/restaurant with karaoke could be fun if your cousin is 21. [9] X Research source

You may have regular social engagements you attend. For example, maybe you always do trivia night on Tuesdays at a local pub. See if your cousin wants to join. If you’ve been invited to any parties or get-togethers that week, bring your cousin along. Talk to the hosts of any events ahead of time, however, and make sure you can bring a guest. You should always check with your cousin first as well. If your cousin hates bars and trivia, maybe you can sit out trivia this one week .

Do some research ahead of time, especially if you live in a big city. A trendy dive bar in the Wicker Park district of Chicago may be one of your favorite places. However, it may be completely packed on a Saturday night. It may be easier to hit it up on a Wednesday. Let your cousin call the shots a little. While you want to show him or her your town, make sure you’re choosing things that are fun for your cousin. If the idea of going to a local comic bookstore bores your cousin to tears, you may want to pick a local attraction more suited to your cousin’s interests.

For a cousin who is still in elementary school, be on the lookout for entertainment specifically marketed towards children. Look for children’s theaters, children’s museums, parks, petting zoos, and so on. If you have any friends who love kids, invite them out for an afternoon. For a middle school or high school-aged cousin, you can provide a mix of entertainment options. A 14 year-old may have an interest in a play marketed for adults. However, a 14 year-old may still be shy about trying new or different foods. Keep a balance between kid and adult friendly entertainment. Take your 14 year-old cousin to a symphony, but go to McDonald’s for dinner afterwards.

You should keep your home relatively clean if you have guests. This is a common courtesy. However, you don’t need to make your apartment immaculate. If you’re the type that occasionally has a few dishes in the sink, don’t worry about it. [11] X Research source Allow your cousin to relax as well. If you have guests, they’ll likely do things slightly differently than you. Try to let this go. Your cousin may put her feet on the coffee table or leave the coffee machine on for a few hours after brewing a fresh pot. Even if you prefer things differently, try to be laid back when you have a visitor. [12] X Research source

Consider having a theme dinner night. For example, prepare an Italian meal. Make a batch of homemade lasagna and prepare a nice salad and garlic bread as sides. If your cousin is 21, buy some red wine. If you grew up with your cousin, go for nostalgic snack choices. Maybe the two of you have fond memories of eating Twizzlers while watching scary movies. Buy a few packs of Twizzlers in preparation for your cousin’s visit.

Consider scheduling a game night. Board games can be a fun means to entertain big groups. Try having a pot luck. Invite each guest to bring a dish and pass the dishes around to share. This is a great way to take care of a meal while also socializing with your cousin.

If you have a television set, you could watch movies or play video games. Consider renting some movies, online or at a rental store, that your cousin would enjoy. Pick up a pack of cards. Cards are very cheap and card games can be fun. If your cousin has any hobbies, keep those in mind. For example, if your cousin loves crossword puzzles, buy a book of crossword puzzles.

Short story anthologies are also nice for guests. Your guests can feel like they’re accomplishing something as people are able to finish a short story in one sitting. A longer novel can be frustrating because your cousin may be unable to finish the story before the week is up. [14] X Research source

Share your favorite memories. Try to start off a conversation with “Remember when. . . " and then bring up something fun from the past. Catch up on what your cousin has been doing. He or she may have some fun stories to share from work or school. Talk about other family members. If you don’t see your Aunt Jean much anymore, ask your cousin how she’s doing. Share news about your parents as well. Minimize distractions to help conversation flow. Turn off the TV and keep music volume low.

Look for age-appropriate movies, TV shows, and reading materials. There is a special “Kids” section on Netflix you could browse. You can ask friends with kids for advice on children’s movies. Look for magazines at the supermarket that are kid friendly. Buy some young adult books to keep in your home. For a very young cousin, coloring books, crayons, markers, and other child-friendly craft options can be a great touch. Look into what music your cousin likes. Create a Pandora station with all of his or her favorite artists.