If you don’t know any good jokes, there are lots of great joke books for kids at the library, and many websites full of funny jokes. Search for “jokes for kids” and get ready to start laughing. [1] X Research source [2] X Research source

It can get pretty silly when non-gamer parents first try to play video games. Go easy on your dad, and don’t be too upset if he doesn’t enjoy your game as much as you do, OR if he turns out to be a lot better at it than you![4] X Research source

Make chores more fun by turning them into a competition. For example, if you are raking leaves, challenge your dad to see who can finish his half of the yard first. Not only does this make the work more fun, you might finish early and have time to do go get ice cream afterwards.

Go on a fishing trip. Be sure to get any licenses you need first, and pay attention to your dad’s instructions about safety and being quiet. Go for a hike. . Find a trail near your home that is good for families. Be sure to bring snacks and water. Go to a baseball/football/soccer game. Fly a kite. You can have even more fun if you build the kite together first. [6] X Research source Go to the zoo! It’s probably been ages since your dad has been to the zoo. Be sure to ask him what his favorite animal is, and to tell you about any that he’s seen in real life, or his favorite trip to the zoo when he was a kid. Try playing disc golf. Disc golf is a great sport that dads and kids can play together. It doesn’t require much equipment, anyone can play, and there are courses all over the world. See if there is one near you![7] X Research source Play outside the house.

Go to the movies. Take your dad bowling. Go to a skating rink. Find an arcade. See if there is a nickel arcade in your area so you can play all day. Batting cages can be a lot of fun, even if you don’t play baseball or softball.

Bake something. Lots of dads cook, and even the ones that don’t regularly might enjoy baking a batch of chocolate cookies with their kids. Play a game of chess or checkers. You can make your own checkerboard (an extra activity, too!) or use one you already have. Solve some puzzles. Do a craft project. Some dads love to do arts and crafts. [8] X Research source Ask your dad if he’d be interested in doing some painting or making some homemade modeling dough. Listen to music. Ask your dad to play you his favorite album, or take turns sharing music you like with each other. Have a Lego-building competition. Get out all of your building blocks, dump them in the pile, and challenge your dad to see who can build the best spaceship or house. Build a fort. Get out blankets and pillows and drape them over chairs, and build a fort with your dad. Have a tickle fight or a wrestling match. A bit of friendly roughhousing is a great way to bond with your dad. Just make sure you don’t break any furniture, or you’ll both be in trouble with mom!

If your dad likes to build stuff, ask him to teach you to use tools and help you build something in the garage. A birdhouse is always a fun project for dads and kids to do together. [10] X Research source If you are old enough to learn to drive, ask your dad to give you lessons. If your dad is great at fixing cars, ask him to show you how to change the oil, or rebuild an engine. If your dad is a guitar player, ask him to teach you how to play.

Invite your dad out for a beer (after you reach the legal drinking age where you live). If you are having friends over to watch the game, be sure to invite your dad. Think of other activities that you like to do with your friends, and consider including your dad in some of them, or inviting him to do similar activities, just the two of you. Observe what your dad likes to do with his friends, and ask if he would include you sometime. Plan an adult vacation with your dad. He took you to Disneyland when you were a kid, now you can take him to Las Vegas, or Ireland, or somewhere else that he’s always wanted to go.