By its very nature, house fires and similar crises can make people feel isolated and alone. Making contact lets your loved ones know that they are not as alone as they might feel. You can call, text, or e-mail the victim. Any method of communication is better than none at all. Keep your words simple. Saying “I’m sorry for your loss” and “I’m glad you’re alive” is usually enough. Platitudes regarding the “bright side” of things don’t often help, especially not during the initial stages of shock. If you offer your support, make sure that you plan to follow through and provide it. Now is not the time for false promises. Listen more than you speak. Everyone reacts to tragedy in a different manner, so you should wait to hear from the victim about how hopeful or distraught he or she feels before chiming in.

If you can meet in person, consider handing the victim cash or a check. When you want to offer financial support but must do so via mail, send a check since cash is less secure. Another option would be to give the victim a gift card. Gift certificates to a grocery store are practical and make a great choice, but you can also do something a little more personalized if you know the victim relatively well. For instance, a gift card to a bookstore can be a good choice for a family of avid readers since it gives them a chance to restock their lost book collection.

If you can’t cook, you could bring your loved ones groceries or offer to take them out to a restaurant. Sending food can even be helpful if the victims are staying with someone since this gesture can relieve some of the burden from their hosts.

It is generally a wise idea to find out what the victim needs instead of making assumptions. Insurance often provides fire victims with household basics, for instance. Even if their basic supplies won’t be replaced by insurance, fire victims may not need such items until after they’ve found a place to stay. Items of sentimental value can never be replaced, but there might be ways for you to help dull the loss. For instance, if the victim is a close relative, you can provide them copies of photographs they lost in the fire. Kids can be especially devastated when personal possessions are lost in a fire. Find out if there were any lost toys or games that meant a lot and ask if you can buy a replacement.

Ask the victims if there are any errands they haven’t been able to do yet, like shopping for certain items. Offer to take care of these errands for them. If the errand is something that the victim must be present for, like something dealing with the bank or insurance company, offer to drive him or her there if transportation would otherwise be a problem.

As the process continues, the victims’ needs may change. Someone who wasn’t ready to replace household goods at first might need to do so three months later, for instance. Make it a point to keep asking the victims what they need and helping them out accordingly. If nothing else, continued emotional support can mean a lot to a fire victim.

Make sure that the donation you plan to make is accepted by the donation facility you plan to leave it with. When donating supplies, focus on things the fire victims will need immediately instead of things that will be needed later on. Some good options include clothes, canned food, bottled water, pain relievers, baby food, trash bags, laundry detergent, socks, pillows, blankets, and diapers.

Be cautious of charities that spring up directly after a fire. They may not have the infrastructure to reach affected people like more established organizations can.

You can find the contact information for your local Red Cross location by using the online search tool: http://www. redcross. org/find-your-local-chapter You can also contact the Red Cross by phone at 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767). [3] X Research source When widespread fire damage is an issue, the Red Cross will need both donations and volunteers. If you cannot donate money or supplies, donating your time is another option worth considering.

If you do not know where to look, call your city hall, local news station, or local radio station. These sources of information might be able to direct you to a place accepting donations. Churches are common donation drop-off points, as are radio stations and news stations. Your Public Utility District (PUD) or city hall might be accepting donations, too. Businesses often establish themselves as donation drop-off points, too, especially when widespread fire damage is an issue. These businesses can vary in nature and may include banks, credit unions, restaurants, and home improvement stores.

By assisting the animal shelter, you allow them to save and support more pets for a longer period. This gives their owners a greater chance to find them again. Aside from dog food and cat food, you should also consider donating crates, cat litter, toys, towels, and beds.

Let these individuals know what they can do to help fire victims in the area. Share the advice you’ve learned here and elsewhere. Some who are willing to help may not do so if they do not know where to start or what to do.

Make sure that the place you choose is trustworthy. Churches and community centers are usually good places to start. If you would prefer to work with a local business, make sure that the one you choose has a good and honest reputation. Some organizations may even be willing to help you set up a fundraiser to help the victims. If they do not want to be involved in the planning process, they may at least allow you to use their premises.

When the damage is confined to one family or a small group of families, you may want to get the victims’ permission before spreading their story. Some people won’t mind being put in the spotlight, but others may prefer their privacy.