If your door swings in, it’s especially important to barricade it with heavy objects, as the murderer may be able to kick it in. While it’s good to be able to keep the murderer out, it’s also important to think about how you will escape if the murderer does manage to get in. A hiding spot with two exits (like a door and a window) is ideal. [2] X Research source If you’re outside, you may not be able to barricade yourself, but you should still look for a secluded location that you will easily be able to escape from if necessary.

The murderer may still be able to hear your phone if it is on vibrate![4] X Research source Resist the urge to yell to the murderer that you have contacted the police.

You should also turn off any other sources of light, such as computer monitors. While calling for help should be your priority, beware of the light from your cell phone. If the murderer is right outside your door, he may be able to see it.

Make sure everyone stays away from windows, as these are often the most vulnerable part of the room.

You may want to hide behind the (floor-length) curtains, behind a desk, or behind the clothes in a closet You could try hiding under the bed, under a pile of laundry, or under a blanket. You could also consider hiding inside a cupboard, in the washing machine, or inside a large box. If you are outside, you may want to hide behind a bush, under a car, in a trash can, or under a porch.

Lying face down or in an obscured location may help, as the murderer will not be able to see if you move a little bit.

The operator will want to know as many details about the situation as possible, such as your location, the number of victims, and what kinds of weapons the murderer has. When the police get there, follow their instructions and keep your hands visible at all times so that they know you are not a threat. If calling the police is too loud, text someone who is not at the location about your situation and ask them to call the police for you. Consider texting this to several people, just in case someone doesn’t see the text. In some areas, it’s also possible to text 9-1-1.

If others don’t want to run with you, leave them behind. You can’t let them prevent you from escaping. If you run, don’t worry about your belongings. Leave your stuff behind. Be sure to keep your hands visible as you flee the scene. If the police are there already, they may mistake you for the murderer. Run in an erratic pattern. This will make it harder for the murderer to shoot you if he comes after you. Try to put as many obstacles between you and the murderer as possible.

If possible, get to a location where you can call for help. A secure location like a police station is the best option, but a neighbor’s house is better than nothing. Try to avoid running into your neighbor’s house if the murderer is watching you. You don’t want to put them in danger as well by leading a murderer into their house. If there is nothing around the area, head for the woods instead of a clearing. This will give you many more places to hide. A full parking lot will also provide lots of good hiding opportunities.

If you decide to fight, you need to commit to it. A half-hearted attempt at fighting back will only put you in more danger. Your goal should be to disarm and/or incapacitate the murderer, and then run away as fast as possible. [11] X Expert Source Tsahi ShemeshSelf Defense Trainer Expert Interview. 17 September 2019. If you have a gun, you may want to use this to defend yourself. If not, you may also be able to incapacitate the murderer using pepper spray. [12] X Research source If you have no other option but to attack the murderer with your bare hands, aim for the most vulnerable parts of the body: the throat, the eyes, the groin, and the stomach. [13] X Research source

You can use a backpack as a shield or to swing at the murderer. You can use an item like a baseball bat, and umbrella, or a large flashlight as a swinging weapon. Any heavy item can be used to knock the murderer unconscious. A chemical fire extinguisher can effectively disable a person if you spray it in his face. [15] X Research source

Be as cooperative as you possibly can be. Do what the murderer asks you to do without asking questions. Avoid making eye contact, as this can be seen as threatening. Resist constantly asking whats going to happen, or talking. it can annoy or provoke the killer. Don’t make any sudden movements that the murderer might interpret as you trying to fight. Always be on the lookout for opportunities to run or incapacitate the murderer.

Make sure your doors and your door jambs are made of sturdy steel. If you have glass inserts in or around any of your doors, make sure they cannot be broken. Keep windows closed and locked at night and when you are not in the room. Make sure your home is well-lit at night to deter intruders.

Some alarm systems have panic modes that you can use to make the intruder think you have turned the system off, but secretly contact the police. Ask the company that provides your monitoring services how you can alert them to dangers if there is an intruder in the home. In some cases, you may provide them with a panic word, and in others, simply providing the incorrect password will trigger a response. You may want to invest in security cameras as well. Whether you have an alarm system or not, put up stickers that say you do. This often deters criminals just as much as an actual alarm.

The safe room should have a sturdy door and a strong lock on the inside. You can have a special steel security door installed for extra protection. Make sure the room is somewhere that will be accessible to your family and far from the areas where an intruder is most likely to enter your home. A closet or bathroom near the bedrooms is a good choice.

It’s a good idea to charge your phone in this room every night so that you will always be able to call for help if you have to hide there. If you have weapons, you may want to keep these in the room as well. If you don’t have guns at your home, keep some improvised weapons in this location