Keep in mind it may be helpful to share your diet with close friends or family, as they can act as a form of support and encouragement. Rather than avoid the topic with people you are close with, you may want to consider being open about your diet so you can feel you are not doing it alone or out of shame.

While having a vague excuse ready can be useful, you should try not to lie when asked about your weight. For example, it would not be a good idea to say, “My doctor told me I’m allergic to carbs,” when in fact your doctor has not given you this diagnosis. Using a fake excuse could indicate that you are ashamed of your eating habits and are trying to hide your diet by lying to others. This could also come around and cause you trouble if you are later seen eating carbs.

If you are eating out at someone’s home, you may want to ask the home cook what she is planning to prepare. You may then be able to suggest certain dishes that might fit with her planned meal but still adhere to your diet. Even if the home cook does not agree to make a special meal for you, you are at least prepared for the meal and know what to expect when you sit down to eat.

Eating alone can be an isolating and unhealthy experience, especially if it is done on a daily basis for all your meals. [2] X Research source You may want to consider instead eating around individuals who will not question your diet or ask you personal questions about your eating habits as an alternative to eating all your meals alone. This could be friends that are also dieting or individuals that you met through a weight loss program.

You should also drink a glass of water before you eat so your stomach feels more full and you can then eat smaller portions during your meal. This can help you to diet in a healthier way.

Snacks like raw almonds, dark chocolate, and veggie sticks with peanut butter or hummus can help to keep you full and give you energy between meals. You can also cut up fruits like apples, pears, and bananas for healthy snacks that won’t lead to a sugar crash later in the day.

You may organize your meals based on a certain calorie intake per day or a weight loss goal. Try to plan your meals around your required calorie intake per day, which is based on your age, weight, and your level of physical activity. Remember that everyone will have different calorie intakes and no one diet can fulfill everyone’s dietary needs.

You may organize your meals based on a certain calorie intake per day or a weight loss goal. Try to plan your meals around your required calorie intake per day, which is based on your age, weight, and your level of physical activity. Remember that everyone will have different calorie intakes and no one diet can fulfill everyone’s dietary needs.

To practice mindful eating, use a timer when you sit down to eat. Set the timer to 20 minutes and try to use all of the available time to eat one meal. [5] X Trustworthy Source Cleveland Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source You can try to eat with your non-dominant hand so you are forced to slow down when you eat and make some effort to lift and chew every bite. You can also reflect on what was required to produce the meal, such as the butcher who prepared the meat or the farmer who grew the vegetables and the grains.

If you tend to drink lots of coffee or enjoy a few drinks on occasion, try to have a glass of water between each cup of coffee or each drink. This will keep you hydrated and help to limit your hunger pangs.

Not eating any food at all. Cutting your food into small pieces or stalling to finish your meals. Eating very quickly or very slowly and then purging the food by either vomiting or excessive laxative use. Eating without utensils or with utensils that are not appropriate for the meal. Exercising intensely after every meal. Obsessively counting calories and monitoring your eating habits. If you think you may be developing an eating disorder, you should reach out to close friends and family. You should also consider getting professional help from a doctor or a therapist that specializes in eating disorders.

You can do this casually, if you wish. For instance, if someone comments that you are looking great and healthy, you might say, “Thanks, I lost some weight recently. "