For the best high fives, you’ll also want a great cause for celebration. It’s difficult to replicate the spontaneous energy of true celebratory joy in a sterile “practice” environment, so look for opportunities to vanquish foes or do cool skateboard tricks wherever you go.

Bad posture won’t just make your high fives weaker - it’ll also make you look worse. If you’re slumped over with your gut hanging out as you go in for a high five, your friend will be able to tell that your heart isn’t in it and will have ample justification for aborting the high five.

The sole exception to this rule is that in the few seconds after your hand makes contact with your partner’s, it’s acceptable to wince in righteous pain.

You may twist slightly at the waist and/or lean back slightly for added power.

If you’re having trouble hitting your partner’s hand, try focusing on his or her elbow as you swing. Seriously, try it - it works wonders.

You’ll know you’ve given a great high five if everyone around you immediately turns to stare with an annoyed expression on their face. Ignore these people - they are known as “haters” and are expressing their annoyance only as a way of masking certain deep-seated insecurities.

Other good choices: “Hell yeah!” “Alright!” “Cool!” “Radical!” “Right on!” “Hip!” “Woo Hoo!”

Keep your eye on the prize! Focus on your partner’s hand or elbow to ensure accuracy and prevent either of you from getting smacked in the face.

If you’re feeling devilish, pull your hand out of the way at the last second. You may or may not want to gloat with a rhyming remark like “too slow!” If you liked this method and are looking to expand your repertoire, try coupling this move with its cousin, the aptly named “Up High”.

This high five variant is perfect for the digital age, as it allows two people to high five over video chat from thousands of miles away.

For extra fun, slowly let your fingers weave between your partner’s until your hands are clasped in a lover’s embrace.

The Rocket. Bro 1, after impact, twists his fist and makes a thumbs-up, while Bro 2 mimics the rocket’s tail fire by putting his hand under Bro 1’s fist and waving his fingers like a trail of fire as he slowly moves his hand toward the floor. Both bros make a whooshing noise to mimic the sound of a rocket. The Stick Shift. Upon impact, Bro 2 grabs Bro 1’s fist with a frontal grip and yells “stick shift!” Bro 2 then proceeds to mimic the shifting motion of a manual transmission car using Bro 1’s fist as a gearshift while making revving noises. The Big Bang. Upon Impact, move both fists away from each other slowly as if there was an explosion in the middle. Make low rumbling noises to mimic the sound of an atomic bomb exploding far in the distance.