Crouch near your hamster’s cage and speak to them in a soft, friendly voice. You can also get them comfortable with your presence by simply reading a book or watching TV in the same room as them. Make sure your hamster can see you and knows you are a friend, not a predator.

So as not to startle your hamster, hold your hand limply in their cage. It would also be helpful to hold your hand as a clenched fist initially. You can unclench your fist, with your palm facing upward, as he becomes more comfortable with your hand. Hamsters have a tendency to nibble as a way to test their environment. If your hamster starts to nibble at your hand, gently pull your hand away. Jerking your hand away will startle him and may make him more reluctant to approach your hand.

Ideal treats are those that your hamster would normally eat in the wild. For example, you can treat him with fresh, rinsed vegetables (e. g. , broccoli, cauliflower, carrots) and fruits (e. g. , bananas, berries). [4] X Research source Make sure to chop the treats in small pieces before feeding them to your hamster. [5] X Research source

Washing your hands is especially important if you have more than one hamster. The scent of another hamster on your hands could make the hamster you are handling feel like he is being attacked.

When you place your hand in your hamster’s cage, leave it there for at least a few seconds so that he can acclimate to it.

If your hamster does not want to climb in your hands, consider using a scoop. Allow him to walk into the scoop before lifting him up. You can them transfer him from the scoop to your hand when you have him out of the cage. [6] X Research source You can also use a 1-liter plastic soda bottle, cut in half, like a scoop. Place the bottom half of the bottle in your hand, and let your hamster crawl into it. He will feel the warmth of your hand, but will not be able to bite your hand through the plastic. Make sure the bottle’s edges are smooth. With time, your hamster will become more comfortable with being held and you will not need to lift him with a scoop.

Be aware that your hamster may start biting your hand as you lift him up. His bites will likely not be enough to break the skin but will serve as more of a warning signal that he is feeling alarmed. [7] X Research source If he starts to bite, gently blow a puff of air in his face. The hamster will take a step back and blink, wondering what he just smelled. This gives you time to free your hand from his grip.

Gently lower your hamster back in his cage. Hamsters can easily injure themselves if they fall, so you should lower your hamster until he can easily walk out of your hands and onto the bottom of his cage. You can spread out your palm and allow him to simply step off your hand. Hold him for a short period of time initially (less than a minute), then work your way to longer stretches of time as he becomes more comfortable with being held. [8] X Trustworthy Source American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Leading organization dedicated to the prevention of animal cruelty Go to source

If you would like to wake him up, do so gently. For example, you can speak softly to him. You can also gently ruffle your hand in his bedding.

If he tries to make a run for it, keeping him close to the floor lessens the likelihood of injuring himself if he jumps. Consider holding him when you are lying back on the floor, which would keep him even closer to the ground. [9] X Research source

You should also never pick up your hamster by one of his appendages. [10] X Research source Not only would this likely injure your hamster, but he would also be even more disoriented by being lifted in the air by his legs.

A firm ’no’ should be the strongest punishment you use. Blowing in his face, particularly when he bites you, should be enough to deter him from doing the action again.