The reason for this is because squatting has long been defined by researchers as the ideal position for defecation. That’s because it applies pressure on the abdomen, encouraging release of the stool. Standing will remove some of the pressure from the abdomen. So will lying down. Even just shifting your position a bit can also help you keep the poop where you want it to stay inside your body until you have a chance to get to a toilet. If you must sit, shift your position in the chair. Pressing your buttocks against a hard area - like a metal chair bottom - might help.

Clenching your butt cheeks will tense your rectum, and, thus, it helps to keep the poop inside. It’s harder to hold in poop if your muscles around your rectum are weak. If your nerves are damaged in that area, you might not even know a stool has come out. See a doctor in such cases. [1] X Research source

For example, many long-distance runners face this issue. They feel like they have to poop during the race. Another way to avoid this embarrassing problem is to simply avoid foods high in fiber before the race or event because that causes the need to poop. [2] X Expert Source Roy Nattiv, MDBoard Certified Gastroenterologist Expert Interview. 14 October 2020. Gas-producing foods like beans, bran, fruit and salad could also cause the need to have a bowel movement. Try to avoid eating any food within two hours of the event, though, or you will have another bowel movement.

It will be harder to hold in poop if you’ve had no previous defecation that day. One study found that coffee provoked pooping more so in people who hadn’t already pooped. The study also found that the effect was more pronounced in the morning.

Stay still! Although standing up will help, if you start making abrupt movements or doing something that requires exertion (such as running), it’s going to be a lot tougher. Above all, keep your dignity and stay calm. Make sure not to panic or hold your hand against your behind. It’s all about applying mental will to the situation.

Find a phrase, and repeat it over and over again in your mind to focus your mind on something else. Another way to distract yourself is by striking up a conversation with someone. Watch TV, read a book, or listen to music. Do anything to move your mind on to other thoughts for the time being. A mental task that requires concentration is best, such as playing a word game or writing down a to-do list. [5] X Research source

Pooping is a natural part of life, and everyone does it. You might feel better about it if you camouflage the smell. Spray a little perfume in the air of the bathroom after pooping, for example. Be prepared. Carry a mini air freshener with you. [6] X Research source

There was a case of a teenager from England who died after not pooping for eight weeks. Pooping is really just the practice of emptying your bowels. It’s essential for good health! If you don’t poop, your body will recirculate fecal water throughout the body. That’s pretty gross when you think about it. If you want to poop but can’t, you should see a doctor. You could also try a stool softener or fiber pills. Then, again, that’s different from wanting to temporarily hold in your poop to avoid simple momentary embarrassment. [8] X Research source Although experts say holding your poop briefly until you can find a socially acceptable time to do it is unlikely to cause you serious problems, they have found that people who do so regularly because of their profession might end up with issues like constipation (say teachers or truck drivers). [9] X Research source

Stool is the term used for solid waste that is passed as a bowel movement, more commonly called poop. Bowel control problems are fairly common, affecting about 18 million adults in the United States. They are more common in older people, but anyone can get them. Difficult childbirth, poor overall health, and disease or injury can be causes.

When you sit down on a toilet, the hold on your rectum is partially loosened. If you were to squat, the hold would be completely relaxed, making it easier to poop. Poop is a combination of fiber, bacteria, other cells, and mucus. Soluble fibers like beans and nuts become part of your poop. Some foods are harder to digest, like corn or oat bran. [10] X Research source