Neighborhood bars: This is your local pub or sports bar, with a gang of regulars and familiar faces. While these bars may be fun to go to with close friends every weekend, they may not be the ideal spot to pick up girls. If you go to your neighborhood bar often, you will likely know everyone who frequents the bar and are not as likely to meet new single women in this type of venue. Popular bars: These bars are known hang out spots in the downtown area of your town or city, or franchise pubs that are often packed on the weekends. While these bars are often crowded with people, new and familiar, it may be more difficult to get a girl’s attention in this environment, especially in a large crowd. Dive bars: These bars are considered a little seedy or dank, with cheap drink specials and a casual atmosphere. You may find that dive bars are one of the best settings to meet single women, as the people in the bar are likely less image conscious and are accustomed to the bar scene.

You can also try searching online reviews of certain bars or pubs to determine if they are good spots to meet single women. Read the reviews of a bar before you go, as it may tip you off as to if you are walking into a prime hook up spot.

Try not to go out with a big group of friends or a pack of other guys, as this can overwhelm potential dates and make it difficult to focus on the single girls in the room.

You should also display open body language to show her you are engaged in her. Keep your hands relaxed at your sides or casually holding a drink, with your body facing towards her and your head facing her direction.

Offering her friends drinks as well will show her that you can be considerate of her company and are not trying to impress just her. Buying her friends a drink, as well as her, will also appear non threatening and friendly. Remember that a girl does not owe you any of her attention just because you bought a drink. Buy her a drink as a friendly way to notify her of your presence, but not as an excuse to aggressively pursue her or push yourself on her.

Maintain eye contact when you speak to her and do not shy away from talking to her friends, as well. Show her that you can handle talking to her friends and be personable as you speak to them. But keep your primary focus on her, using small talk like “What do you do?” or “I love this song, do you like this band?” Early compliments about her physical appearance are risky, unless she’s obviously into you. Get in her good graces first by showing enthusiasm for her hobbies, interests or other topics that come up in conversation.

She may prefer to sit and talk with you over a few more drinks, rather than play a game or do an activity. You may suggest a fun drinking game you can play, your friends, and her friends together. This can be a fun way to get to know each other and have fun in a comfortable, casual way.

In the opening conversation, follow up on her statements with open ended questions, such as “Oh, you’re a football fan. What’s your favorite team?” or “What are you studying at college?” If she stick around and continues to pay attention to you, keep the banter light and quick instead. “Enjoying your night?” leads to more flirtation than an interview about her travel history.

You can also try to read her body language throughout the night to get a sense of her intentions. Notice if she maintains eye contact with you, laughs at your jokes, and displays open body language, with her body relaxed and turned towards you. Take baby steps to see if she’s giving you “green lights” toward making a move. For example, you might offer to give her a high-five or hug and see how she responds.

You can become more physically intimate with her by placing your hand on her waist or touching her hair or face. Only do this if she seems interested in you and she displays open body language, where she appears into touching and becoming more intimate in public. If she says no or appears uncomfortable by your hook up suggestion, back off and apologize. Tell her that you misread her intentions and respect her decision. Never try to force yourself on a girl or convince her to come home with you. Don’t make a move unless you’re really confident that she’s interested. You always want your move to be well-received, not surprising and creepy.