Set a limit on how many people will come. Big sleepovers can be fun if you have lots of friends, but can also become extremely chaotic; small sleepovers can be a great way to spend time with a close friend but may feel a bit lonely if you tend to spend time with more than one or two people.

You may want to ask your parents or guardians which rooms are off-limits to guests.

When it comes to food, check beforehand to see if your guests have dietary restrictions of any sort (for example, they have allergies, or can’t eat certain foods because of their religion or lifestyle).

Cover the windows with black butcher paper. Hang twinkling light strands all around the party area. Scatter inflated balloons that are your favorite colors all over the floor. It’s also good when it’s dark because that means party time! If available, color-changing LED lights would also make for a good mood in the room. Use playful colors such as blue, green, and pink. Dancing water speakers also can create this effect and will keep the party exciting.

Manicures. Play some of your favorite music, get out the nail polish, and paint each other’s nails. Make up a special day. If you want to maximize the fun, and you want a theme for your party, just make up a special day, for example, Music Video Day! You can dress up and have a fun time on social media, or even just record it and keep it for yourself. Makeovers. Get out all your makeup, and see who wants a makeover. Take pictures of all the different makeup styles you use. In the end, choose the one that looks the best. Or even do blind makeovers. A good game to do that with is Blind Fold Makeovers. Play Master Chef. Get some food items and make a mini-mystery box challenge with your friends. Judge them and then enjoy a yummy meal. You can even film it to see all the fun memories. Talk about crushes. A sleepover is one of the few times people can talk about the person they like. Remember to keep secrets. Nobody wants one of their secrets out! Do a prank competition. After 10 PM, tell everyone to stop eating food that will keep you awake, like caffeinated drinks and sugary food. The first person who sleeps gets pranked by the other guests. However, make sure that everyone is fine with this competition, and don’t go too far with the pranks. Have some good sleepover snacks. Caffeinated drinks and sugary foods are good for staying up all night. Examples include popcorn, pretzels, cookies, crisps, gummy bears, chocolate, and cupcakes. You can also ask your friends to bring things to the sleepover if you’re not sure what to provide. Watch movies. You can rent them, pick some from your own collection, or ask guests to bring movies and vote on them. Just make sure that everyone there is comfortable watching whatever movie you pick and no one gets too scared! (If you and your friends are younger teens, you may want to avoid R-rated movies, so that nobody’s parents get upset. ) Plan some fun slumber party games and activities: “Pick a Question”: Everyone writes down a few questions, such as “Who will be the first to get married?”, then everyone answers them on a note pad. Play truth or dare. Play Charades, Sardines, or Manhunt, which are great group games. Play Murder in the Dark or Ghost in the Graveyard. Board games and card games are other options. Ask people to bring their favorites. Game console games. This includes Wii, PlayStation, and Xbox games. If you don’t have enough remotes, take turns. Remember, nobody should feel left out. Tell secrets. Make up ghost stories or read them from a book. Buy a plain pillowcase and some permanent markers and have you and your friends sign it and doodle on it. Have your computer ready! You can use your computer for streaming music, movies, and so forth. Dance to music, provided your guests want to. You can create a playlist on your iPod or phone, or use music streaming services and YouTube to give everyone an opportunity to play songs they like. However, be respectful of anyone else in the house - if other people are already sleeping, keep the music off. Prank calls. Prank calls are fun - just make sure you don’t prank call people after 10 PM. Don’t prank call strangers or businesses. Friends are usually okay to prank call. Never prank call someone who can’t take a joke. Also, make sure the prank calls are not threatening. Read the latest teen magazines. Go buy some or have the ones you already have out and ready to be read by your friends. Don’t bring out ones that are more than a year old, because then the news in them will be old. Take selfies. If you girls have social networking sites like Facebook or Instagram, you can post and share the pictures afterwards. You can also have fun with Snapchat filters. Have a fashion show in all your cutest clothes. If someone isn’t very trendy or doesn’t have nice clothes, have some on hand.

Make sure you have a proper dinner so no one gets grumpy later.