Explain the sleepover calmly. Let your parents know who you want to invite, what you want to do, any money you’ll need. For example, “Mom, Dad, I really want to have Maya sleepover Friday night. I want us to be better friends because we have so much in common. I want us to stay up, play board games, and watch movies. All I need is money for pizza and snacks. " Keep in mind, your parents may say no. Be respectful of this, as complaining will make you seem immature. Ask them why they said “No,” so you can better understand, and ask again in a month or so. They may change their mind with time, especially if you maturely accept their answer.

If it’s during the school year, plan your sleepover for a Friday or Saturday night, as you don’t want to wake up tired for school. Talk about the dates with your friend, in case she has any morning activities that might conflict with your sleepover. Invite your friend at least a week in advance. Depending on how old you are, you might need to have your parent or guardian call theirs to set up the sleepover times.

Make a blanket fort. Drape up blankets over chairs and couches in one area of your house to create a fort that you and your friend can crawl inside. [2] X Research source Fill it with plenty of cozy blankets, cushions, and pillows. This can also be a great activity to do with your friend. Stringing up fairy lights can also add a magical touch to your room or your blanket fort. [3] X Research source If you have a large bed, both you and your friend can sleep in your bed. If you don’t, however, consider sleeping on the floor or in the same room as your friend to make it more fair and fun.

Set out enough towels, sheets, and blankets for both you and your friend to use. Have an extra toothbrush on hand, as this is one of the most forgotten items at a sleepover. If you and your friend are near middle school age, you should also have some feminine products just in case.

Know your parents’ rules. You do not want the party to end with your friend getting sent home as the two of you violated a household rule. If you’re not allowed to use the computer, don’t use it. If a certain room is off-limits, stay out of it. Make sure you know what to do if your friend gets scared. Nightmares and homesickness do happen. Your parents should have your friend’s phone number on hand, in case she needs to go home. Bedwetting does sometimes happen, so have a change of sheets or spare sleeping bag handy. Do not make fun of your friend if she has an accident. It’s a very common problem and your friend should not feel ashamed.

The Princess Diaries The Parent Trap Mean Girls Enchanted 13 Going On 30 Pitch Perfect The Sound of Music 10 Things I Hate About You Ever After The NeverEnding Story She’s the Man What a Girl Wants If you’re younger, you can go for things like Frozen, Pocahontas, or other princess films.

Have a pillow fight. As long as your parent or guardian allows it, you and your girl friend can have lots of fun throwing pillows at each other and ducking behind couches. Just make sure not to swing your pillow too hard or near your friend’s face. Give each other a blind makeover. In this fun activity, you and your friends will take turns putting on a blindfold. While you’re wearing your blindfold, you will try to do your friend’s makeup. [9] X Research source Play a board game. Many board games, like Monopoly, checkers, and Life, have two-person options. [10] X Research source If you don’t want to play a board game but you have a gaming console, you could play a multiplayer video game. Games like Mario Kart are perfect for sleepovers. Play a two-person game of truth or dare. This can be a fun way to get to know your friend even more and have a few laughs. If you don’t want to do any dares, you can also just play truth or truth, and take turns asking each other questions.

Create an area for your makeovers. Lay out all your makeup on a table or the floor. Take turns giving each other a new look. If you want, you can also style each other’s hair, and paint your nails.

Make friendship bracelets. Paint on canvases. Decorate a bandana with fabric paint. Make a rag rug with old t-shirts and a hoola hoop. [14] X Research source Write and illustrate your own story. Gather wildflowers, and make a bouquet to display in your sleepover area.

Ask about your friend. Ask about her hobbies and interests and listen to her responses actively. Allow the conversation to go a bit deeper. Ask about your friend’s opinions on things like school, friendship, and other interesting topics. You can also share stories. Talk about your most memorable moments, family vacations, and embarrassing stories.

Be aware of any food allergies. If your friend has a food allergy, encourage her to bring some snacks from home that are safe for her to eat. You could also have your mom contact her parents and ask about safe foods. Let your parents know in advance about any restrictions on your friend’s diet. This will give them time to prepare.

Oven-baked s’mores[16] X Research source Homemade pizza[17] X Research source Fresh-squeezed lemonade[18] X Research source Sugar cookies[19] X Research source Chocolate cupcakes[20] X Research source

Order different dishes to share, like two pasta dishes. This works well with Chinese food. Try eating it with chopsticks for added fun.

Fruit plates and vegetable plates with dip are great healthy options to help offset the sugar rush of junk food. Also have salty snacks like chips, crackers, nuts, or pretzels. You can also set out some of your favorite candies. Just make sure not to eat too much sugar late in the night.