Because, especially in agricultural communities, coyotes can be considered pests, and because they are not an endangered species, there are generally few restrictions on hunting coyotes. However, there are sometimes restrictions on the ways in which you are allowed to hunt coyotes. For instance, in West Virginia, though there is no limit on the number of coyotes you may hunt, only . 22 caliber ammunition or smaller is legal for hunting coyote. [1] X Research source If in doubt about which locations are safe and legal or hunting, visit the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s online hunting site locator, which allows you to search by state, zip code, and type of game.

Because they are livestock pests, most farmers will be happy to give you permission to hunt coyote on their agricultural land as well.

With shotguns, opt for a 12-gauge that has a tight spread at up to 35 yards (32. 0 m).

Don’t slam your car doors when you arrive on-site. Try to reduce the noise that your equipment makes as you move with it. For instance, don’t let two hard metallic objects (like the scope on your gun and your binoculars) clang together as you walk. If you’re hunting with partners, don’t talk freely. If it’s necessary to communicate, have your partners come next to you so that you can talk in a hushed voice or a whisper. After you settle into a good position, stay still, getting up to move only when you have decided to try a new spot. Once you’re in position, you may want to wait in silence for 5-15 minutes before making any calls. [5] X Research source

Finally, use natural and artificial obstacles, like cliffs, rivers, and roads to your advantage. Keeping these at your back guarantees that coyotes won’t be able to circle behind you, or, if they do, they’ll be highly visible.

Coyote tracks - small prints similar to those of a dog. Prints from the coyote’s front feet, at about 2–3 inches (5. 1–7. 6 cm) long and 1. 5–2. 5 inches (3. 8–6. 4 cm) wide, are generally slightly larger than those of their back feet, which are about 1. 75–3 inches (4. 4–7. 6 cm) long and 1. 3–2 inches (3. 3–5. 1 cm) wide. [6] X Research source Coyote calls - dog-like barks, howls, and yelps. Especially common at dawn and dusk. [7] X Research source Coyote scats (droppings). Coyotes like to deposit small piles of their droppings in prominent places where other animals (and humans) are likely to find them. [8] X Research source Scats may contain fur from recent kills.

Camouflage can help you keep yourself concealed from wary coyotes in your shooting position. Consider investing in a quality set of hunting camouflage before embarking on your trip.

Rabbit squealers are reported to work well,[9] X Research source but you may also want to have a selection of other distress calls at your disposal, so you can cycle through them. Try to use calls that are appropriate for the location and time of year that you’re hunting, based on the types of small prey that are common in the area.

If you don’t seem to be having any success, wait 15 more minutes, then leave and proceed to another site. It’s a hunting superstition that the prey presents itself right as the hunter is getting ready to leave.

If using a dead animal, you may want to cut it open to allow the scent of its innards to escape. This scent is especially strong and should, with luck, improve your chances of attracting coyotes.

For the best chance of killing the coyote quickly with one shot, aim for its vitals, specifically, its heart and/or lungs. A coyote’s vitals are fairly far forward on its torso - its small heart lies in the lower portion of the torso just forward of the animal’s forelegs, while its larger lungs are slightly above and behind the heart. A shot in the area above one of a coyote’s forelegs is likely to hit one of these organs. A shot to the head is also very likely to kill a coyote in one shot. However, coyotes’ heads can be fairly small and hard to hit. Even if you don’t want a coyote’s pelt (for instance, if you’re simply killing the animal to eliminate a threat to your livestock), try to make a clean kill shot. Shots to an animal’s vitals are the quickest, most humane way to kill an animal. Messy kills can prolong a dying animal’s suffering.

If, by some chance, you are bitten by a coyote, get medical attention. Even if you’re not seriously injured, you will want a doctor to ensure the bite didn’t carry any disease.

The weather and environment you hunted the coyote will make a difference in how quickly you need to move - generally, colder temperatures allow dead animals to “keep” for longer.

Coyotes, because they’re small and light, loan themselves to easy skinning in the field. However, if you’ve field-dressed your coyote and you’re hunting in cold weather or you can get its carcass into a cold place in a reasonably short amount of time, you can also transport the animal home to skin it. However you choose to skin a coyote, be sure to carefully clean yourself afterward to prevent the spread of disease and/or parasites from the animal.

Coyotes, because they’re small and light, loan themselves to easy skinning in the field. However, if you’ve field-dressed your coyote and you’re hunting in cold weather or you can get its carcass into a cold place in a reasonably short amount of time, you can also transport the animal home to skin it. However you choose to skin a coyote, be sure to carefully clean yourself afterward to prevent the spread of disease and/or parasites from the animal.