But like any tool or technology, knowing how to use it effectively is the key. So let’s discuss how to effectively use a GPS for hunting.

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The hunting process always starts with scouting. Step one is ‘Cyber Scouting’ — utilizing computer maps of the topography and aerial views to get an idea of the landscape. There are a ton of resources out there for maps, like Google Earth, CalTopo.com and Garmin’s BaseCamp software, which I use with my Garmin handheld.

Mark the locations that look promising on the computer and transfer those waypoints to your GPS. Then when you’re scouting, see on foot see how they look. Things don’t always appear the way they seem on a map. While you’re out on foot, mark a waypoint with your unit for every significant point or sign. I always mark every rub, scrape, trail and travel route. You can always delete them later, but it’s not always as easy to pinpoint them later on. After you scout on foot, take your new waypoints and your initial waypoints and that should be enough to make things interesting once season starts.

Now, we hunt. Using the GPS can help you find easy direct routes to your hunting spot or stand that you may not have thought of before. Also, it makes it easier to mark new sign throughout the season. Use your GPS to take notes of what you see at different stand locations. Hunting with your GPS is not only safe; it makes it so much easier to fine tune your assumptions from scouting. Just like with scouting, mark down everything you see on your GPS. Keep track of deer sightings and if you don’t feel like typing the info into your GPS, use a notebook to mark down sightings by whatever you’ve named your waypoints.

The final step is planning. Now that you’ve scouted and hunted the area with your GPS, you have a wealth of information at your fingertips. Now that you’ve been marking points, adding new points as sign shows up and notating deer movement, you should see some patterns emerge that will help you understand where the deer are, where they are moving to and how they use the property throughout the season.

It may take a few minutes longer to scout, hunt and plan with a GPS and it definitely takes some getting used to but it can be an extremely valuable tool. If you currently have a handheld GPS, challenge yourself to use it more. I’m certain you’ll be surprised in what you learn even if you’ve been hunting property for a long time.

If you don’t have a GPS, I’d suggest adding it to your gear wish list. I currently use a Garmin 64ST and love it but there are many units on the market. I’ve had the best experience with the Garmin units. The software is great, the units work well, they are durable and it’s really easy to transfer info over from state hunting departments so you can easily see property lines while hunting. While I prefer a dedicated GPS unit, there are several smartphone apps that function great as GPS and make a great starting point before investing in a GPS unit.

Will Jenkins, founder of thewilltohunt.com, has been hunting most of his life and has been writing about his experiences in the outdoors for 4 years. Follow him on Twitter.