Mental blocks happen at the most inconvenient times. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do, as it could happen to anyone. Your productivity is low, and it feels like you’ll never get past that.

If you are interested in knowing how best to avoid another mental block episode, keep reading.

What Is a Mental Block?

Whether you are in paid employment or running your own business, there’s the possibility that you have experienced a series of mental blocks.

A mental block is an unseen barrier that hinders your productivity, creativity, or motivation. Labeled as productivity’s sworn enemy, mental blocks are psychological effects that prevent you from executing your tasks.

Let’s say that you have a list of activities outlined for the day. Halfway into the first one, you get stuck. It feels like you’re trapped in your head. You suddenly feel overwhelmed by the work. These are usually the first signs of mental blocks.

Several other things trigger mental blocks, so they might not always come in these forms. But one thing is for sure, they hinder your productivity. For writers, a mental block is referred to as writer’s block—a state where a writer struggles to get started on a writing project.

People in marketing, creative, and professional services often experience mental blocks, too, as their jobs require a high level of mental stimulation.

How to Identify a Mental Block

A lot of people experience mental blocks, so you don’t need to feel like the odd one.

Since a mental block isn’t physical, identifying it is a challenge for many. As with most issues, detecting that somber state of mind early enough helps you to snap out of it faster.

Several factors cause mental blocks. If you aren’t attentive, you’ll already be deep into a severe episode of a mental block before you even realize it. The trigger varies from person to person. Let’s discuss some of them.

1. Clutter

Working in cluttered spaces increases your stress level, which results in mental blocks. The more cluttered your working environment is, the more mental blocks you’ll experience.

2. Lack of Sleep

As an adult, you need at least 6 to 8 hours of good, uninterrupted sleep. Anything lower than that leads to mental blocks because your brain would not have rested enough to function properly.

Apart from mental blocks, lack of sleep also causes fogginess, weariness, mood swings, and reduced productivity which are symptoms of mental blocks.

3. Impostor Syndrome

Do you feel incapable of doing your job or accomplishing your tasks? That’s impostor syndrome. Having the irrational fear that you are not good enough for a task leads to mental blocks.

4. Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue or exhaustion results from overworking your brain. Your brain does all your mental work for you, and it undergoes fatigue when it has made one too many decisions. In cases like this, you’ll be sure to experience a few cases of blocks.

5. Poor Eating Habits

Your eating habits and nutritional value are other factors that cause mental blocks. Also, lack of Vitamin B12 is most likely to result in loss of memory and depression, which leads to mental blocks.

6. Unprescribed Medications

Over-the-counter medications and unprescribed drugs are causes of mental blocks. It’s advised that you meet your doctors for proper prescriptions as some of these drugs have side effects. In some cases, the side effects are mental blocks.

6 Ways to Overcome Mental Blocks

Since we have outlined various causes of mental blocks, it’s only logical to identify the preventive measures. Cultivating the right attitude goes a long way in keeping you sound and agile against mental blocks.

Here are some ways to keep mental blocks out of your way.

1. Watch Videos on Social Media

You have to agree that social media is not only educational, but it’s also entertaining. And that’s one factor that’s important in overcoming mental blocks.

Whenever you feel the signs of a mental block, log onto Instagram and YouTube to entertain yourself by watching your favorite videos. Funny videos never disappoint to lighten up one’s mood. You can also use the Headspace app to de-stress with meditation.

2. Play Online Games

Online games are very helpful in avoiding mental blocks. You don’t have to work whenever you are online. Play some fun games to clear your head.

Your favorite game of arcade, chess, or even temple run can get your creative juices flowing again.

3. Be More Organized

Being organized helps you understand the tasks you need to achieve. Declutter your workspace and outline your goals for the day. Ensure that you face each task individually, as being focused helps you reduce mental blocks. You can use an online schedule planner or calendar to plan your day better.

Don’t forget to keep your phone away when working, as those unending notifications contribute to your fatigue.

4. Sleep Better

Sleep is very important for your brain. Sleeping for the required hours keeps you sound. Avoid exposing your eyes to your phone or computer screen shortly before bedtime, as it irritates your eyes and hinders sleep.

5. Take Breaks From Work

Rather than being unproductive at work and wasting time, take breaks when you are exhausted. You could talk to friends, listen to music, or take a stroll to rejuvenate and enter into a state of flow. You might also want to consider taking a cat nap, as those can be refreshing.

6. Resist Procrastinating

Procrastination can be a major challenge when it comes to mental blocks. If you are keen on reducing your level of mental blocks, do well to stop procrastinating. Face tasks at the right time.

Be Sensitive to Your Mental Health

Mental blocks affect your mental health. Unlike physical health, which shows visible symptoms when affected, mental health symptoms aren’t always visible. As a result of this, it’s left unattended until it gets very bad.

It’s your responsibility to take care of yourself. Make your mental health your priority. When you notice that you are losing the inspiration or motivation to work, take a moment to evaluate yourself. Identify what triggered that state of mind and move away from it.