Stretch and roll your wrists. This is the area that risks the most strain when you execute your back handspring, so it’s a good idea to give it some extra love prior to attempting the technique.

Doing a set of these before attempting a back handspring will ensure your leg muscles are properly warmed up for the technique.

Training up your handstand balance will make it easier to control the stage of a back handspring when your hands meet the ground. Being used to the experience of a handstand will make the back handspring feel more fluid. Training yourself with 20 second handstands in reps of 5 is a good place to start if you already have the basics figured out. [8] X Research source

Using a vault board can help you to focus on improving your control, rather than putting the effort into the force of jumping itself. This is particularly helpful if you have difficulty with the initial leap.

If your legs are stronger, you’ll be able to leap higher, giving your back handspring greater initial force. Hold your squat for 30 seconds, then give yourself 30 seconds to rest before you attempt another rep.

Having a coach around can also help limit the risk of personal injury if he doubles as a spotter.

You should ‘sit back’ as you might in a chair when you start your back handspring. It can also be useful to practice doing your back handsprings over an octagonal tumbling mat at first. [12] X Expert Source Rosalind LutskyFormer Gymnastics Coach Expert Interview. 30 December 2018.

With proper rest, you’ll be able to execute greater back handsprings with less conscious effort.

Ample water intake will loosen up your joints, giving your body greater flexibility when you attempt a back handspring. Some athletes believe you should multiply your body weight by 0. 6 to arrive at the number of ounces you should be drinking each day if you’re wanting to get serious about athletics. [18] X Research source

Back handsprings are difficult, and require a fair amount of focus on the part of the gymnast. If you have issues with self-confidence, clearing up the emotional aspect will see tangible improvements in your technique.