For instance, if you made $34,500, $46,000, and $51,000 in your last three jobs, you could write, “I have made $35,000 to $50,000 in my last three jobs. “[4] X Research source Try not to get any more specific on your salary than you have to. [5] X Expert Source Amber LeimaResumé Consultant Expert Interview. 18 March 2022.

When create a salary requirement, look at job listings that have salaries on them in your industry; look for similar level positions with your education and experience. That process will help give you an idea of a range, if you don’t already know. You can also use salary surveys to help you. Don’t forget, salaries vary by location, as cost of living will make salaries higher in some areas than in others. One reason to look for positions similar to your education and experience is that you can ask for more money if you have more experience or more education than other candidates. For example, if you have a master’s degree, you can ask for more money than if you have a bachelor’s degree. Don’t add benefits and bonuses into the salary. The salary requirement range should be just your base salary. [7] X Research source

In your cover letter, include it near the end of your letter. On the resume, you can add it as a section under your experience.

Essentially, you want to sell them on your services and skills before you tell them how much you want them to pay you.

When using this approach, you can show how your salary has increased for each job by putting a starting salary and an ending salary. That way, you show your salary progression.