Alternatively, your doctor might administer a creatinine clearance test, which measures the amount of creatinine in both your blood and urine.

If your GFR is 90 mls/min/1. 73m2 or greater, your kidneys are considered to be in good health. [2] X Research source [3] X Trustworthy Source MedlinePlus Collection of medical information sourced from the US National Library of Medicine Go to source GFR between 60 and 89 mls/min/1. 73m2 puts you into stage two chronic kidney disease (CKD). A rate between 30 and 59 mls/min/1. 73m2 puts you into stage three CKD, and rate between 15 and 29 mls/min/1. 73m2 are considered stage four CKD. Once your GFR dips below 15 mls/min/1. 73m2, you are in stage five CKD, which means your kidneys have failed.

You’ll need to make certain changes to your diet and overall lifestyle regardless of which stage of CKD you’ve entered. During the early stages, however, these changes might be enough to improve your GFR. This is especially true if you’ve had no prior history of kidney problems. During the later stages of CKD, your doctor will likely prescribe some form of medication to help improve your kidney function. This medication should be used alongside lifestyle changes and should not be thought of as a substitute treatment. In the final stages of CKD, your doctor will almost always put you on dialysis or recommend a kidney transplant.

Plant-based sources of food, on the other hand, do not contain creatine or creatinine. Maintaining a largely vegetarian diet can also help reduce other risk factors of CKD, including diabetes and high blood pressure.

Eliminate salty foods from your diet and opt for low-sodium alternatives when offered. Try seasoning your food with other spices and herbs instead of relying strictly on salt. You should also eat more home-cooked meals from scratch and fewer boxed dinners. Meals made from scratch generally contain less sodium since many boxed meals use salt for its preservative qualities.

Potassium-rich foods include winter squash, sweet potato, potato, white beans, yogurt, halibut, orange juice, broccoli, cantaloupe, banana, pork, lentils, milk, salmon, pistachios, raisins, chicken, and tuna. [7] X Research source Phosphorus-rich foods include fast foods, milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, cottage cheese, ice cream, quick breads, processed meats, chocolate or caramel, colas, and flavored waters. [8] X Trustworthy Source Mayo Clinic Educational website from one of the world’s leading hospitals Go to source

Check with your doctor to verify that nettle leaf tea is safe based on your specific medical history. To prepare nettle leaf tea, steep two fresh nettle leaves in at least 8 oz (250 ml) of simmering water for 10 to 20 minutes. Strain and discard the leaves, then drink the tea while it’s still hot.

Note that strenuous physical activity can increase the breakdown of creatine into creatinine, though, which can increase the burden on your kidneys and cause your GFR to drop further. Your best option is to engage in regular moderate exercise. For instance, you might consider cycling or walking at a brisk pace for 30 minutes a day, three to five days a week.

Maintaining a healthy weight makes it easier for blood to pass through your body and may help regulate your blood pressure as a result. Once blood can flow through your body more readily, it will be more able to flush toxins and fluids through your kidneys, and you should see an improvement in your GFR.

Your renal dietician will work with you to reduce the stress on your kidneys while maintaining a balance between the fluids and minerals in your body. Most specialized diets will include elements similar to those described in this article. For instance, you might be instructed to reduce your intake of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and protein.

High blood pressure and diabetes are the two most common causes. When the cause of kidney disease isn’t easily identifiable, your doctor may administer additional tests to diagnose the issue. These may include urine tests, ultrasounds, and CT scans. In some cases, your doctor may recommend a biopsy to remove and evaluate a small sample of kidney tissue.

High blood pressure is often linked to low GFR, so you may need some type of blood pressure medication. Options include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (captopril, enalapril, and others) or angiotensin receptor blockers (losartan, valsartan, and others). These drugs can maintain blood pressure while also reducing protein levels in your urine, allowing your kidneys to work less hard as a result. During late stages of kidney disease, your kidneys may not be able to produce an important hormone called “erythropoietin,” so your doctor may need to prescribe drugs that can help remedy the problem. You may also need vitamin D supplements or other drugs to help control phosphorus levels since your kidneys will have difficulty filtering phosphorus in the body.

You may need to completely avoid NSAID and COX-II inhibitor drugs. Common NSAID drugs include ibuprofen and naproxen. One common COX-II inhibitor is celecoxib. Both drug classes have been linked to increased incidents of kidney disease. Talk with your doctor before trying any herbal remedy or alternative treatment, as well. “Natural” treatments are not necessarily better for you, and if you aren’t careful, you could take something that may make your GFR levels dip lower.

GFR and kidney function naturally decline with age, so your doctor will likely recommend continued exams to help monitor the rate of decline. He or she may need to adjust your medications or dietary recommendations based on any changes to your GFR.

Hemodialysis involves the use of an artificial kidney machine with a mechanical filter. Peritoneal dialysis uses the lining of the abdomen to help filter and clean waste products from your blood.

Not everyone with advanced kidney disease qualifies as a candidate for transplant, however. Age and medical history may rule out this treatment option. After receiving a transplant, you’ll still need to carefully monitor your diet and overall kidney health to prevent your GFR rate from dropping too low again.