Check the installation directions for any files you download from the internet. Depending on the file, you may need to install it in a certain way—for example, some BIN installers must be run by specifying an installation directory. If you downloaded a compressed file (such as a . tgz, . zip, or . tar. gz file), look for a “README” or “INSTALL” file after decompressing the file. Use the more command to open the file (e. g. , more README) to look for specific instructions or dependencies.

If you don’t remember where you saved the file, you can use the locate or find commands to find it.

If you need to install the program in a directory that requires root permissions (or you get a permissions error during installation), use su before the command. For example, su . /j2re-1_4_0-linux-i386. bin.

Check the installation directions for any files you download from the internet. Depending on the file, you may need to install it at the command line instead of your desktop environment so you can specify an installation directory.

When you’re finished, click Close or the X to close the window and save your changes.

If you get an error, try running the bin file in a terminal window instead by typing . /filename. bin, replacing “filename” with the name of your bin file.