Some contractors like to run wires into every room, just in case. That way, if you decide you want a cable hookup in another room, later on, you don’t have to run new wires. If you only use wifi for your internet access, then you won’t need ethernet cables in every room with a computer.

Wiring panels can also be unsightly, so consider locating it in a closet or a room that visitors don’t enter. Wiring panels are also sometimes called structured wiring panels or distribution boxes. Don’t get confused if a website or contractor uses one of these terms.

You don’t need precise measurements for running these cables. If the cable ends up too long, you can just cut or roll it when it reaches the end of its route. The wiring plan gives you a general idea of the route the wires will take, and also marks cable locations for future repairs. Check the blueprints of your house for potential routes that you aren’t aware of. You can use existing holes in the wall to run cables as long as they don’t have electrical wires running through them. Electrical wires will interfere with the signal. If all the holes have electrical wires, then you’ll have to drill new ones.

Cables usually feed down from the attic inside walls. For an easier, but less visually-appealing job, you can also cut through the room’s ceiling and feed the cable down this way.

Some programs are free and some are paid. Research different ones to see which is best for your needs. Don’t try to skimp by using a cheap program if it isn’t a quality one. Some paid programs offer free trials that you can use to plan one job. See if a program you’re interested in offers a trial.

If you don’t have a stud finder, tap on the wall. If you hear a hollow sound, there is no stud at this point. A sharp, quick sound indicates that you’ve tapped on a stud. This isn’t exact, but it gives you an idea of where the studs are located.

If you see pipes or other wires behind the wall, then use a different section. Don’t worry about the damage to your walls. You can patch drywall later after the job is done.

Drywall can be heavy, so have a partner nearby to help you lift the wall section out.

Hold the wiring panel up against both studs. Then use a power drill to screw the box to both studs. There are latches on the box to insert screws through. This job is easier with someone else holding the box up while you drill. A wiring panel is optional. If you want to save money, you don’t have to buy one.

If there is a floor below the panel that needs cable access, also drill a hole through the floor plate. Measure the distance from an external wall to the hole you drilled. This will help you find where to drill the attic hole if you can’t find the point right above the distribution box.

Attics usually have double plates, so you may have to drill through 2 blocks of wood to create the hole. If you can’t find the distribution point, use the measurement you took when you drilled the first hole. Run your tape measure from the same external wall and find that distance in the attic. Drill at this point. If your attic has loose fiberglass insulation, wear a dust mask to avoid breathing in any particles.

If you know where the appliances will be in this room, then mark the holes near this location. Otherwise, locate them near an existing electrical outlet. Check for studs behind the wall before picking a location. Make sure you cut in an area with no studs.

For example, write TV room, office, and bedroom on the cables. Labeling also makes repairs much easier. If a wire goes bad, you know right away which wire you should pull from the distribution box.

Fish tape is the best product for making this job easier. Feed it down the hole from the attic until the person at the distribution box can grab it. Then have them attach the wire to the end of the fish tape. Pull the fish tape up while the other person feeds the wire and work it through the hole in the attic. Another home remedy if you don’t have fish tape is taping the wire to a piece of string and using that to pull the wire up. Work cables through the walls gently. Don’t pull or jerk them if they get stuck, or you could tear them.

Use the fishing tape again to make this job easier. Keep the wires out of the way by taping them to the ceiling rafters in the attic. Do not staple them. Staples could damage the wires and also make replacing the wires difficult.

If you want to hide coaxial cables, try installing a wall cover that runs from the outlet to your appliance. These are available from hardware stores.