Make sure that you instruct young children on how to properly interact with the bird before you allow them to pick it up. Never squeeze or hit your bird.

Conures enjoy being around their humans, so let the bird perch on your shoulder while you’re watching television, surfing the internet, or doing other activities around the house. If conures are neglected, they will develop bad behaviors – like screeching, inappropriate chewing, or even nipping at their owners. Make sure you have enough time to devote to a conure each day before you decide to get one.

Consider challenging toys like ladders and puzzles to stimulate your bird. Make sure your bird has plenty of chewable toys. This will keep your bird from developing inappropriate chewing habits. Your conure will play on its own if you provide it with a sufficient number of toys. However, the bird will also benefit from interactive playtime with you. [5] X Expert Source Hayley HeartfieldBird Specialist Expert Interview. 16 August 2021.

If your conure is signing or whistling, it means that your bird is happy and healthy. A chattering bird is usually happy, though loud chattering could be a sign that your bird is trying to get your attention. Tongue-clicking often means that the bird is simply entertaining itself, though it could be a sign that it wants you to pet it or pick it up. If your conure seems to growling, this usually means that it is feeling threatened or bothered in some way.

Monitor the movements your bird makes with its head to show that it is happy.

On the other hand, a lack of movement can also indicate happiness. Standing on one foot indicates that your bird is happy, relaxed, and may be ready for a nap.

A tail shake can be a sign that your bird is ready to play. But a fanned out tail could be a sign of aggression.

Conures often try to communicate through eye pinning, which means that their pupils dilate and then return to their normal size. This is your bird’s way of responding to stimuli and by telling you that it is happy or excited about something. However, if combined with ruffled feathers or an aggressive stance, eye pinning can also be a warning. Monitor your bird’s behavior and, over time, you’ll learn what its movements mean. [9] X Research source

For example, if you want your bird to know it’s time for playtime outside of the cage, use the same phrase each time. You might consider saying, “Let’s go, birdie!” or “Come on out!” But don’t use different phrases interchangeably. Pick one and stick with it. Birds are quick learners and can internalize unintended lessons quickly. For example, let’s say you ask your bird to step onto your hand. It pecks you, so you withdraw. The bird may quickly learn that pecking is an effective way to get what it wants. Monitor your own reactions to help your bird learn what you intend. [11] X Research source

Possible rewards can include treats, physical affection, or access to a favorite toy.

If you want your bird to fly to your shoulder when you click for it, you should start by clicking and placing the bird on your shoulder. Then give it a treat. Repeat this action over and over until the bird begins associating the clicker noise with the action of being on your shoulder and getting a treat. Over time, the bird will start to do the action when it hears the clicker sound, even if the reward is just a head rub.

To get a conure comfortable being held on its back, you just need to take some time and allow the conure to adjust and trust the new position. Begin by holding the conure to your chest with your other hand across its back. After a little while, you can begin to lean forward until the conure is upside down, but still supported by your chest on the top and your hand on the bottom. After some time, the bird should learn to trust you to hold it on its back.