There is spiritual mythology related to Scientology which can sound a little sci-fi to the uninitiated, but Scientology itself is about the practice more than the belief in the system. Scientologists do believe that the inner self is a “cosmic” being, something that lives beyond the body and which needs to be properly maintained when in your care. Applying the principles of the Tone Scale and Dynamics to your life is thought to help eliminate the reliance of modern society on mood-altering substances and other primarily commercial methods of “self-improvement. ”

According to Scientology, the organization does not make it impossible to “leave” the church, nor do they outlaw the use of certain medications. However, Scientology has been accused of behaving like a totalitarian system that disconnects its members from friends, colleagues, or family members deemed to be antagonistic towards Scientology. [3] X Research source Furthermore, Scientology does strongly oppose the medical specialities of psychiatry and psychology. [4] X Research source

Dianetics is the original method invented by Hubbard as a self-improvement method, regarding a mind-body connection. The goal of dianetics is to get your “reactive mind” out of the way, leading to a happier, more fulfilled state of being. Thetans are believed to be immortal beings, insubstantial in nature, that rule your body. Scientologists believe Thetans create life and exist independent of our bodies beyond death. This is the Scientologist’s conception of the human soul, essentially. Practising Scientology and finding practical benefit from it doesn’t require that you “believe” in Thetans in the strictest sense of the word.

Scientology: A Religious Philosophy by L. Ron Hubbard outlines the basic tenets of Scientology, though more easily digestible volumes are frequently produced by the church for more easy consumption. In general, if you request materials, you’ll likely be inundated with more boxes than you know what to do with. This is a promotional tactic used by the church to spread the word. Be forewarned and expect lots of books.

The actual process of joining the church will differ slightly depending on the particular branch of the church itself and the other Scientologists. Most cities won’t have more than one branch, however, so it’s difficult to do much exploring. If you don’t like the church in your town, consider just reading up and developing your own practice on your own. Again, it’s a practical method, which means you’ll do most of the work yourself.

Church and regional conferences are obviously the best places to meet other practitioners, but you might also be able to find more informal discussion groups in your area. Consider starting one, like a book group, in your town.

Church audits are done regularly, should you join a church. Field auditors and mission auditors are also dispatched frequently to travel, like an old-style Evangelical Revival, to get the word out and to show people what Scientology is all about. This can be an excellent way to experience your first audit and see if it’s right for you.

It’s fine to explore the tone scale by yourself, but it’s also important to let an experienced auditor guide you through the process to more thoroughly integrate the concepts into your practice.

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