Luckily, Xbox takes this further and even allows users to access new updates and features earlier than they would usually be released to the public through the Xbox Insider program.

But what exactly is the Xbox Insider program, and how can you join and get Xbox updates and features earlier than everyone else? Let’s find out.

What Is the Xbox Insider Program?

Before looking at how you can actually join Xbox Insider, you may want to know more specifics about the program.

Specifically, the Xbox Insider program is an application in which Xbox allows its users to preview and give feedback on new Xbox features and even system updates.

Running similarly to Xbox Game Preview, Xbox Insider allows you to provide feedback and report any bugs or glitches you may experience while acting as an Xbox Insider. This gives you early access to features that are eventually fully released to the public, like joining Discord chats directly from your Xbox.

Due to the nature of early access features and updates, Xbox Insider offers a few tiers in which you can decide the type of previews you will receive from Xbox. These tiers are as follows:

The Alpha tier. This tier allows you to receive new updates and features at their earliest point in development. The Beta tier. This tier is only open to Xbox Insiders of three months or longer and receives updates shortly after Alpha. The Delta tier. This tier receives updates later than Beta and closer to the general release of the update or feature. The Omega tier. This tier is open to anyone and receives previews at the closest to their official release.

When first joining Xbox Insider, you’re placed in the Omega tier, but as you preview more early access content through Xbox Insider you can start to pick higher-level tiers and access even more updates and features.

Some Things to Know Before Becoming an Xbox Insider

While the Xbox Insider program is adjustable to your own requirements, there are still some aspects of the program that you need to be aware of before signing up:

You are able to leave Xbox Insider at any time. Due to the early access nature of the preview program, some of the bugs and glitches you experience may interfere with how well your Xbox system runs. Some of the tiers that allow for the earliest access to Xbox updates and features require you to apply for an invitation from Xbox and are not simply joinable. By taking part in Activities, you can earn Insider XP to allow for further previews of features and updates, though these are only sporadically available with the previewing of specific updates or features.

So while Xbox Insider allows for the previewing of new features, there are still some flaws in signing up that could be too intrusive to your experience with Xbox, but even then, you can always adjust your Insider tier or leave Xbox Insider altogether.

How to Sign Up to Xbox Insider and Start Previewing Features

Now you know what Xbox Insider is and the important aspects of the program in general, you may want to sign up for Xbox Insider and start previewing updates and features.

If you don’t already have the Xbox Insider application on Xbox, before attempting to sign up you will need to install the application by pressing the Xbox button and selecting the bottom option for Store. Then, with the store open press the Y button and search for Xbox Insider Hub.

With the Xbox Insider Hub installed on your console, to sign up for Xbox Insider and start previewing early Xbox features, follow these steps:

Press the Xbox button to open the guide. Select My Games & apps, followed by See all. Highlight the tab for Apps and select the Xbox Insider Hub application.

With the application open, highlight Previews to see all the available early-access content. To start getting early Xbox updates and features, select Xbox Update Preview.

Select Join, and then pick the tier level you wish to receive your early access content through. With your tier list chosen, select Save.

With your chosen Insider tier for updates saved, you will be notified that it may take a few hours for the benefits of Xbox Insider to apply to your account.

Enjoy Xbox Features Early and When They Officially Release

With Xbox Insider, you are able to take part in, feedback and then ultimately experience the features you helped Xbox fine-tune be released to the public.

With features like being able to directly stream to Twitch through your Xbox guide menu being helped along by Xbox Insiders, the program can both enhance your enjoyment of Xbox as a platform and act as a rewarding process in which you see the preview features move from early access to general release.