Bamboo sharks are bottom dwellers and will rarely come up to the top of the tank. Therefore, if you are trying to choose between differently shaped tanks of similar size, choose the one with the largest bottom surface area. [5] X Research source This will give your shark plenty of room to swim around. Round or hexagonal tanks are best, as the corners of a rectangular tank will restrict the shark’s swimming motion. [6] X Research source

A full 180 gallon tank can weigh close to 2000 pounds. If you place this on an upper floor, be certain the floor can withstand the weight. You may even need to have a contractor add additional support from below, unless your tank will sit on a ground floor with no basement or crawl space.

Sharks are carnivorous creatures that eat a lot and produce a lot of waste. It is important to have an effective filtration system to keep the water clean. Both an aquarium carbon filter and a protein skimmer are recommended. [8] X Expert Source Doug LudemannAquarium Care Professional Expert Interview. 27 August 2019. Both should be available at your aquarium store or online. A pump, such as a sump pump that keeps water circulating will help your filtration system work better. It will also help break down harmful nitrates and oxygenate the water. Your shark will also enjoy some gentle water movement. Like any aquatic animal, it’s also important to keep the water temperature comfortable for your shark. A temperature of 78-82 degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for bamboo sharks. You can achieve this by purchasing an aquarium heater rated at two to three watts per gallon of tank

Live rock will be available at many aquarium stores and can also be purchased online. The bottom of the tank can be lined with sand to create a closer approximation of the ocean floor. Again, this isn’t strictly necessary, but recreates a more natural environment for your shark. If your rocks will be piled up in such a way that they could be knocked over, some people think it’s a good idea to glue them together using non-toxic aquarium glue. The bamboo shark is strong enough to knock rocks over, and you don’t want yours to be injured by falling or sliding rocks.

Unless your tap water is utterly pristine, you shouldn’t use it in your aquarium. Ideally, you should purchase a reverse osmosis de-ionization (RODI) water filter. This will remove all impurities from the water. Likewise, ordinary salt isn’t going to create a good environment for your shark. Buy a few buckets of aquarium salt. A five gallon bucket typically makes about 150 gallons of salt water.

The shark should not appear to be “panting” or be overly lethargic. Its eyes and skin should not have any discolorations or white spots. Sharks are prone to bacterial and parasitic infections. This can cause discoloration of the skin, frequent “yawning,” and chaffing on the bottom of the tank. [9] X Research source Be watchful for any of these behaviors before purchasing a shark.

Once you’ve brought your shark home, you can’t simply dump it into the aquarium. The sudden change in chemistry between the pet store or shipping water and your aquarium water can be harmful or even fatal.

You can start a siphon by gently sucking on the hose until water begins to flow, or using an electric pump. You can also use an auto-siphon pump, a simple, inexpensive device available at any home brewing or wine making store. [11] X Research source

Do not feed your shark common feeder fish such as goldfish or guppies. These freshwater fish are not a natural food for bamboo sharks. If you wish to feed your shark live food, use silversides or sand eels. [15] X Research source Bamboo sharks only need to be fed every two or three days. Give the shark a large portion of food a few times a week. If it loses weight, increase feeding. A juvenile shark should grow, but if an adult shark shows signs of weight gain, reduce the amount of food. [16] X Research source When you first get your shark, it may be hesitant to eat. Providing live food such as saltwater feeder shrimp and fresh cockle (in the shell) may help entice it to eat. If it takes a few days to start eating, don’t be alarmed. These sharks can survive a few weeks without eating. [17] X Research source

Your protein skimmer will need to be emptied approximately every other day. Follow package instructions for replacement of carbon filters. When water becomes overly soiled (i. e. cloudy), you will need to change it. This will require large containers full of RODI filtered and salted water, and pumps to remove the old water while adding the new.

Bamboo sharks have been kept successfully with grunts, snappers, jacks, groupers, and goatfish. [19] X Research source