Don’t assume that an apartment allows rabbits just because it allows dogs and cats. Many landlords put rabbits in a different category, so asking is the best bet. If a landlord doesn’t explicitly say that they don’t allow pets and you aren’t sure, then make an appointment to see the place and give a good impression before mentioning your pet. They might be more willing to make an exception if you seem like a good tenant. [2] X Research source

You could also just block off carpeted areas instead. Make sure you put some hay in your rabbit’s enclosure so it can dig there. This can distract it from digging at carpets.

Using furniture or boxes to block off the baseboards is another option, but it might not be practical to do this through your whole apartment. You could also use something like bitter apple spray to make walls and wood furniture taste bad. This might stop your rabbit from chewing on them. [5] X Research source

You can get little plastic attachments at most hardware or electronics stores to stick wires to your walls and raise them up. Tape also works. Make sure you check your entire apartment to find any wires that you might’ve missed. Your rabbit can fit into small spaces and might uncover some wires to chew on.

These coatings are just a precaution, and your rabbit could still bite through them with some extra work. Make sure you keep an eye on your rabbit and stop them from biting any wires.

If you’re in a small apartment, you might have to rearrange some furniture to make room. If you have enough space, you could make a whole room your rabbit’s living area. This way, you can just focus on rabbit-proofing that room instead of your whole apartment.

Any drafts could make your rabbit uncomfortable, so make sure to close any vents or set up the living area out of their paths.

You could keep your rabbit penned in their housing most of the time, which makes protecting your apartment easier. That way, you can easily watch them while they’re running around and stop them from chewing anything. Make sure any housing you use for your rabbit has flat flooring. Wire flooring is bad for their feet and they might dig into carpeting. [12] X Research source

This is important whether you have a caged or free-roam rabbit. Leave their food and water in their normal living area.

Make sure you clean the litter area daily. Don’t use wood chips or kitty litter in your rabbit’s litter area. These can be toxic to rabbits.

You can let your rabbit roam or put them in another cage while you’re cleaning. Clean the area around the cage too, especially if it’s carpeted. Vacuum and sweep any hairs, food, or straw so it doesn’t start smelling.

If your landlord is on the fence about letting you keep a rabbit, emphasizing that neutering solves many issues could help convince them. [16] X Research source

In general, a monthly trim is perfect. As soon as the nail starts curving, it needs to be clipped. If you don’t know how to cut your rabbit’s nails, your vet can show you.

You can get rabbit chew toys from a pet store. Rabbits also like chewing on cardboard, so try using some old boxes or toilet paper tubes for an inexpensive option. Rabbits also love to play with non-toxic baby toys, so you can get some of these too. [19] X Research source

This might be a little tougher in an apartment, but you don’t need much room. As long as your rabbit has enough time and space to hop around, then it should be able to get plenty of exercise. Keep an eye on your rabbit while it’s roaming. Make sure it stays away from any wires, windows, or your front door.

Rabbits don’t usually like being picked up, so don’t do this too much. You could let them sit or lay next to you while you’re on your couch to enjoy some connection instead. Rabbits are happy in groups, so you might want to consider getting another one so your rabbit has a friend. However, only do this if you’re sure you can take care of more than one rabbit.

If possible, make sure your other pets are well-trained and respond to commands before adding a rabbit into the mix. This should prevent any problems. Rabbits are sensitive to loud noises, so a barking dog could spook yours. If your dog starts barking, try to get it to quiet down.