You should also consult local regulations to verify that you are permitted to keep pigeons. [1] X Research source There are many different breeds of pigeons and their respective social needs vary considerably. However, you should be able to set aside some time every day to help socialize your pigeon.

An ideal indoor cage is rectangular and partially enclosed. Be sure that there are no holes in the cage long enough for the pigeon to stick its head through. Because pigeons like to walk, the bottom of the cage should be covered with paper or grassy sod. Keep the cage in a bright area but not one with direct sunlight. If the cage is in a place liable to be exposed to light at night, you should cover the cage during the evening. An outdoor aviary should be approximately 6’ square and 8’ high. Include shelves for nesting, including one as high as possible in the enclosure. The enclosure should be sturdy enough to protect against outside predators. If possible the aviary should be oriented toward the south or southwest, allowing for maximum sunlight. [2] X Research source include in the housing a bath that the bird can use to clean itself. Certain breeds are adapted to free flight. You can provide them with a “dovecote,” which is a small structure that can be attached to the side of your house. Be aware, however, that your bird could be hunted by predators if permitted to fly freely. [3] X Research source

You can supplement the pigeons regular diet with lettuce, endive, chickweed, spinach, berries, apple, and pears. Providing the pigeon with grit and gravel will help it digest its food. Pet stores also sell vitamins and calcium supplements for birds that can help improve your pigeons health. [4] X Research source

it is recommended that you meet a few pigeons beforehand to check for allergies, and make sure they meet your expectations. Judge whether or not the shelter is clean and the pigeons well cared for. If the pigeons are not well cared for, it might be difficult to socialize them.

Your kitchen is not a suitable room to keep your pigeon because the fumes given off by non-stick frying pans are toxic to them.

Pigeons can carry diseases that can be transmitted to people such as psittacosis. So if you or someone in your house has a weak immune system, consider checking in with your physician to make sure it is OK to share the same air space as a pigeon. Washing your hands after handling the pigeon because pigeons are associated with carrying salmonella. Do not keep pigeons in close proximity to cats and dogs. [8] X Research source