Rub catnip on a certain area to attract your cat to it. Place your cat’s food in the area you want him to go. Play with your cat in the new area. Pet him and give him praise so he learns to associate the new area with good feelings.

Try breaking up your cat’s meals into several feeding times throughout the day. The continuous supply of food will help keep your cat’s hunger satisfied and he won’t roam around looking for food. You could also try free feeding your cat. With this method, you simply fill your cat’s bowl at the beginning of the day and allow him to eat whenever he wants. This could also help keep him satisfied so he doesn’t roam. Closely monitor your cat’s weight, however, since free access to food could make him overweight. [6] X Research source

Place the cookie sheets along the edge of the table. That way, when your cat jumps on the table, he’ll knock them over. The resulting loud noise will startle your cat and he’ll learn not to jump up on the table.

Remember that if you don’t use a specialized pet product, the tape might be too sticky and you could hurt your cat and damage your furniture. Always test out the tape before using it to make sure it’s not too sticky.

The Snappy Trainer acts like an upside down mouse trap, but is much weaker and won’t hurt your cat. Any touch will cause the device to shoot up in the air, which will startle your cat and keep him off the table. The SSSCAT is a motion sensing device that shoots out a blast of compressed air when tripped. This blast will scare your cat away from the table or anywhere else you don’t want him to go. [15] X Expert Source Rita ReimersCat Behaviorist Expert Interview. 22 June 2021. The ScanMat is a plastic sheet that holds a static charge. When your cat steps on the sheet, he won’t like the sensation of the electricity on his feet.