In general, 50 leeches at most can live in a 10 gallon (38 L) aquarium. Pond leeches do best with 1 to 2 leeches per gallon.

If you buy leeches from a store, ask the staff about what kind of food and space they require.

Be sure that the water is cool and clean. To get rid of chlorinate in tap water, fill a container with the water and let it set for 1 to 2 days. Once the smell of chlorine fades, you’re good to go! You can also purchase a water dechlorinator from a home hardware store.

For small tanks, make sure the heater is 5 watts per gallon. Larger tanks require about 3 watts per gallon. Keep an eye on your tank’s temperature regularly and adjust the heater as necessary to keep it within the proper range.

If you get your leeches from the pond, take some plants from the area around it and add them to your tank. Purchase shells and plants for your tank from pet stores.

Purchase a screen lid from a local pet store or online supplier.

In the winter, you can place your aquarium outside as long as it is partially covered with a towel to prevent direct exposure to sunlight.

Don’t change more than 25 to 50 percent of the water at a time. Any more and you risk sudden temperature changes that can harm the leeches. Be sure to change your water at least once a week.

If you caught your leeches in a pond, feed them pond snails. Medical supply center leeches typically require fresh beef liver. Frogs, fish, and earthworms are great food sources for many kinds of leeches. If you’re unsure, stick with one of these food sources. Don’t feed your leeches in the winter.